Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/415

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AYLESFORD COMPLETE PEERAGE 365 On 15 Mar. 1702/3, "in consideration of his great merits and abilities, " he was cr. (") BARON OF GERNSEY (sic). (") P.C. 20 Mar. 1702/3 till May 1708, and 13 Dec. 171 1. He was again sworn P.C. 14 Oct. 1 7 14, and appointed Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, which office he resigned 29 Feb. 17 15/6. On 19 Oct. 17 14, he was cr. EARL OF AYLESFORD, Kent.f) He m., 16 May i678,at St. Giles's-in-the-Fields, Elizabeth, da. and coh. of Sir John Banks, of London, Bart, (so cr. Aug. 1 661), by Elizabeth, da. of Sir John Dethick, Knt., sometime Lord Mayor of London. By her (on the death of her father), in Oct. 1699, he acquired the estate of Aylesford, Kent. He d. at Albury, Surrey, 22 July, and was bur. 8 Aug. 1719, at Aylesford. Will pr. Oct. 1719. His widow ^. I Sep. 1743. Will pr. Oct. 1743. II. 1719. ^ 2. Heneage (Finch), Earl OF Aylesford, £5t'c.,s. and h., h. at Albury, Surrey. Matric. at Oxford (Ch. Ch.) 27 June 1700, aged 17. M.P. (Tory) for Maidstone 1704-05 ; and for Surrey 1710-19. Master of the Jewel office, 1711-16. He m., 9 Dec. 1 7 1 2, at Great Packington, Mary, da. and h. of Sir Clement Fisher, of Pack- ington, CO. Warwick, 3rd Bart., by Ann, da. of Humphrey Jennens, of Erdington, in that co. With her he acquired the estate of Packington. She d. 28 May 1740, at Bath. Admon. 20 Feb. 1740/1 to her husband. He d. 29 June 1757. Will pr. July 1757. III. 1757. 3. Heneage (Finch), Earl of Aylesford, &'c., only s. and h., b. and bap. 6 Nov. 17 15. (^) Matric. at Oxford (Univ. Coll.) 31 July 1732. Created M.A. 13 Dec. 1735, and D.C.L. 14 Apr. 1761. M.P. C) for CO. Leicester 1739-41 ; for Maidstone I74i-47,and 1754-57. He m., 6 Oct. 1750, at St. Geo., Han. Sq., Charlotte, (a fortune of ;^50,ooo) yst. da. of Charles (Seymour), 6th Duke of Somerset, by his 2nd wife, Charlotte, da. of Daniel (Finch), Earl of Winchilsea and Nottingham. He d. 9 May 1777, in Grosvenor Sq., and was bur. at Packington, aged 61. Will pr. May 1777. His widow, who was b. 21 Sep. 1730, d. 15 Feb. 1805, at Aylesford, and was bur. at Packington. Will pr. May 1 805. (') This was one of the 4 peerages by some supposed to have been conferred for the purpose of creating a majority in the House of Lords. See note iuh iv Baron Conway. V.G. (**) In Courthope the title of creation is erroneously given as " Lord Guernsey, CO. Southampton ; " so also, similarly, the title of Earl of Jersey, cr. 1697, is there said (erroneously) to have been " co. Southampton^ " the mistake possibly arising from these islands forming (ecclesiastically) part of the diocese of Winchester. (°) This was one of the 14 peerages cr. on the coronation, 20 Oct. 17 14, of George I. For a list of Coronation peerages, see Appendix F in vol. ii. C) The entries in the family Bible of the births, dsfc, of the 6 children (1713-22) of the and Earl, and those of the 1 1 children (1751-69) of the 3rd Earl, are given in Misc. Gen. et Her., 2nd Ser., vol. viii, p. 1 09. V.G. (^) In the Commons he voted with the Tories and anti-Walpoleans, but in the Lords he was a Grenville Whig, protesting against the Repeal of the Stamp Act, and opposing the Court on the Midx. election question. V.G.