Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/418

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368 COMPLETE PEERAGE aylmer George James (Agar Ellis), Lord Dover. She, who was b. 22 May 1852, d. s.p. 12 Apr. 1874. He m., 2ndly, 16 Feb. 1879, E^^^ Victoria, widow of Charles Linton, of Hemmingford Abbots, Hunts, yst. da. of John Ross, of Benena, co. Cork. [Heneage Greville Finch, styled Lord Guernsey, s. and h. ap., by 2nd wife, b. 2 June 1883. Ed. at Eton. Served in the S. African war at St. Helena in 1901. (") Lieut, ist Batt. Irish Guards, Sep. 1904. A.D.C. to the Gov. of Gibraltar 1905. He m., 1 1 June 1907, at St. Mich- ael's, Chester Sq., Gladys Cecil Georgina, 2nd da. of William Henry (Fellowes), 2nd Baron de Ramsey, by Rosamund Jane Frances, 2nd da. of John Winston (Spencer-Churchill), Duke of Marlborough. She was b. 4 Jan. 1885.] Family Estates. — These, in 1883, consisted of about 12,500 acres in CO. Warwick, about 4,300 in co. Leicester, and 2,856 in Kent. Total about 20,000, valued at about ;^33,ooo a year. Note. — The Kentish estates, 2,864 (sic) acres, were put up for sale in Sep. 1884, under a " disentailing act " of 1882. Some were not at once sold, but the amount realized was

^8o,ooo, of which ^26,200 was paid for the Boxley Abbey estate (905 acres)

by the Earl of Romney, the rental being about ;^iooo a year. Principal Residence : — Packington Hall, co. Warwick. AYLMER [of Balrath] BARONY [I.] I. Matthew Aylmer, 2nd s. of Sir Christopher A., y „ of Balrath, co. Meath, ist Bart. [I.], by Margaret, 3rd da. ' ■ of Matthew (Plunkett), 5th Lord Louth [I.], having been page to the Duke of Buckingham, ent. the Navy 1678, obtained the command of a ship, and became Rear Adm. of the Red 1 692/3 ; Vice Adm. 1694; Admiral 1708; Commander in Chief of the Fleet 1 708-11, and 17 14 till death. Commissioner of the Navy 1694-1702. M.P. (Whig) for Ports- mouth 1695, till unseated on petition Jan. 1696; for Dover 1697-1713, and 17 1 5 till death. Governor of Greenwich Hospital 6 Nov. 17 14 till death. A Lord of the Admiralty 17 17-18. On i May 171 8 he was fr. LORD AYLMER, BARON OF BALRATH, co. Meath [I.]. (") On 18 Mar. 17 1 7/8 he was appointed to the honorary office of Rear Adm. of Great Britain. Ranger of Greenwich Park and Keeper of Greenwich Palace. Hem. Sarah, da. of Edward Ellis, of London. She d. Nov. 1710. He ^. at Greenwich Palace, 18, and was bur. 23 Aug. 1720, at Greenwich. Will dat. 2 June, pr. 7 Sep. 1720. (") (*) For a list of peers, and heirs ap. of peers, serving in this war, see vol. iii, Appendix B. C") The preamble to this creation is printed in Lodge's Peerage of Ireland, 1789, vol. vii, p. 65. The patent, which is in Latin, is given in extenso in the claim to the Peerage in July i860. The titles are " Dominus Aylmer, Baro de Balrath. " C^) The following is Bishop Burnet's character of him when upwards of 50,