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xxxii COMPLETE PEERAGE d. 3 Apr. 1894, aged 65. Among those that are still, (") happily, among us, are [7] J. Horace Round, LL.D., author of Geoffrey de Mandeville, ^c; [8] G. Wentworth Watson, M.A.; [9] Joseph Bain, F.S.A. (Scot) (") ; [10] R. E. Chester- Waters, M.A. Q ; [11] The Rev. John Woodward, F.S.A. C) author of a valuable work on Heraldry ; [12] B. Wyatt Green- field, F.S.A. ; [13] Sir Albert W. Woods, K.CB., (') Garter, as well as several other members of the College of Arms, London ; [14] George Dames Burtchaell, IVI.A., (=) whose assistance has been invaluable ; [15] W. Duncombe Pink, of Leigh, co. Lancaster; and last, but by no means least, [16] The Hon. Vicary Gibbs, M.P., not only for contributing numerous dates, and names of persons and places, but tor supplying many notices of peers and peeresses, generally from contemporary sources (more especially those in vols, vi to viii), and for various valuable suggestions. The Editor takes this opportunity of mentioning that during the course of this work, a large number of Letters, Memoirs, Journals, Obituaries and other kindred writings have (with the assistance of friends) been care- fully examined, with the result not only of correcting and amplifying many vague and doubtful statements appearing in works bearing on the Peerage, but of checking and confirming a still larger number. Such a field is practically inexhaustible, and, if this enquiry be pursued, it will, as printing makes more and more of such works accessible, be possible in the future to approach much nearer, not only to correctness, but also to completeness, than in this so styled Complete Peerage has hitherto been attained. In conclusion, the Editor, though fully (most fully) aware how many errors and imperfections there must (almost of necessity) be in a work or this nature, and how little competent (more especially as regards the intricacies of the Scotch Peerage) he is to deal with it, trusts that the manifest advantage of an arrangement by which any correction for any Peerage can at once be effected, and be thereafter capable of at once being referred to, will in a great measure compensate for the numerous sins of omission and commission which are herein. G. E. C. 1887. (a) i.e. early in 1897. C") Living early in 1909. {^) Died 25 Nov. 1898, aged 60. {^) Died 4 June 1898, aged 60. f) Died 16 Sep. 1897. (') Afterwards (1903) G.C.V.O. ; died 7 Jan. 1904, aged 87. CQ Afterwards (1908) Athlone Pursuivant and Registrar of the College of Arms, Dublin, being probably the ablest Genealogist (among the many able ones) that has ever existed in that office.