Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/420

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370 COMPLETE PEERAGE aylmer in 1798, and was present at most of the battles in the Peninsular war. Major Gen. 1813 ; Lieut. Gen. 1825 ; Col. of the 56th Foot 1827-32 ; Col. of the 1 8th Foot 1832-50 ; Gen. 23 Nov. 1841. Adjutant Gen. in Ireland 1814-23. Governor Gen. of Canada 1830-35. A.D.C. to the King 1 8 10-13. K.C.B. 2 Jan. 18 15. G.C.B. 10 Sep. 1836. He »»., 4 Aug. 1 801, Louisa Anne, 2nd da. of Sir John Call, ist Bart., by Phila- delphia, da. of William Batty, M.D. He d. suddenly, of aneurism of the heart, ;./., at 15 Eaton Sq., 23 Feb., and was bur. 2 Mar. 1850, in the cemetery at Norwood, Surrey, aged 74. His widow, who was b. in 1778, d. at Newton, Devon, 13 Aug. 1862, aged 84. VL 1850. 6. Frederick Whitworth William (Aylmer), Lord Aylmer, ^c. [I.], only surv. br. and h., b. 11 Oct. 1777. Entered the Navy 1790. Was at the battle of the Nile (7 Aug. 1798), and was commander of" the Severn " (27 Aug. 18 16) at the bombardment of Algiers. Naval A.D.C. to the King 1830-37. Rear Adm. 1837; Vice Adm. 1848 ; Adm. 1854. Knight of the order of St. Ferdinand of Naples. Obtained the Turkish gold medal in 1801 in the Egyptian Campaign. C.B. 19 Sep. 1816; K.C.B. 5 July 1855. He d. unm., at 20 Dawson Place, Paddington, 5, and was bur. 12 Mar. 1858, at Kensal Green cemetery, aged 80. Will, in which he left ^^5,500 to his successor, dat. 29 Feb. 1856, with two codicils, pr. 4 Aug. 1858. VIL 1858. 7. Udolphus (Aylmer), Lord Aylmer, Baron of Balrath, and a Baronet [I.], cousin and h. male, being 2nd, but I St surv. s. and h. of John Athelmar Aylmer, of Melbourne, in East Canada, Capt. R. N. {d. 21 Jan. 1849), by Elizabeth, (") da. of Henry Coates, of Burton upon Trent, which John Athelmar was only s. and h. of Adm. John A. {d. 1841, aged 82) s. and h. of John A., Preb. of Bristol {d. 1793, aged 70), who was 2nd s. of the 2nd Lord. He was b. 10 June, and bap. 2 July 1 8 14, at St. Werburgh's, Derby. His claim to the Peerage was allowed 10 July i860. He »;., 28 June 1841, Mary Eliza, 3rd da. of Edward Journeaux, formerly of Dublin, but afterwards of Melbourne, East Canada. She d. 14 Sep. 1881. He d. 30 Nov. 1901, at Melbourne afsd., aged 87, and was sue. by his s. and h., who is outside the scope of this work. AYMOUTH see AYEMOUTH AYR see AIR (*) She was m. 12 July 1 8 1 2, at St. Werburgh's, Derby.