Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/422

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372 COMPLETE PEERAGE badlesmere I. 1309 selm B., of Badlesmere afsd., (*) Justice of Chester, by to Joan, da. of Ralph Fitz Bernard, of Kingsdown, Kent 1322. (aunt and, in her issue, h. to Thomas [Lord] Fitz Bernard), attended the war in Gascony (1294) 22 Edw. I ; sue. his father in 1301, being then aged 26 ; was in the Scottish wars 1303 and 1304 ; Governor of Bristol Castle 1307 ; had a grant of the Castle and Manor of Chilham, Kent, 1309, and from 26 Oct. (1309) 3 Edw. II, to 15 May (1321) 14 Edw. II, was sum. Q) to Pari, by writs directed Bartholomeo de Badlesmere^ whereby he may be held to have become LORD BADLESMERE. C) He obtained a grant of the Castle of Leeds in Kent, and in (13 14- 15) 8 Edw. II, was made Governor of Skipton Castle, and of all the castles in Yorkshire and Westmorland whereof Robert de Clifford had d. seized. He was also Steward of the King's Household. Notwithstanding the many favours he had received, he joined the Earl of Lancaster in his rebellion, and was defeated with him at Boroughbridge, 16 Mar. 1322, captured at Stow Park, attainted, and hung as a traitor at Canterbury, 14 Apr. 1322. He is described in the contem- porary Boroughbridge Roll as a Banneret. C') He »?., before 30 June 1308, Margaret, widow of Gilbert de Umfreville(') (who d. before 23 May 1303, s. and h. ap. of Gilbert vii Earl of Angus), aunt and coh. of Thomas de Clare, Steward of the Forest of Essex, da. of Thomas de C. (yr. s. of Richard, Earl of Gloucester and Hertford), by Julian, (not Amy), da. of Sir Maurice fitz Maurice, Lord Justice of Ireland. He d. as afsd, 1322. (') His widow, notorious for having refused the Queen admission to the Royal Castle of Leeds in the summer of 1321, was besieged therein by Edward II, and being captured with the Castle on 1 1 Nov. following, was imprisoned in the Tower of London, but was released 3 Nov. 1322, and after staying some time at the Minorites without Aldgate, at the King's charge (2j. a day), had leave to go to her friends, i July 1324. She, who was aged 40 in Mar. 1326/7, had dower on lands at Castlecombe, Wilts, Gfc, and d. late in 1333. II. 1328 2. Giles of Badlesmere, s. and h., b. 18 Oct. 1314, at to Hambleton, Rutland, and bap. at St. Andrew's Church 1338. there, was 14 years old in Nov. 1328, when he obtained the reversal of his father s attainder, and though a minor, had livery of his father's lands (1333) 7 Edw. III. He was sum. to Pari. (') The Lords Badlesmere bore arms of Silver a fesse and two gimels gules. [ex inform. Oswald Barron). V.G. C") There is proof in the rolls of Pari, of his sitting. f) As to how far these early writs of summons did in fact create any peerage title, see Appendix A in the last volume. V.G. C) For an account of the battle of Boroughbridge and list of the nobles who fought on either side, see vol. ii, Appendix C. V.G. Q She figures as " Margaret Dumfravill, Lady of Badlesmere "19 June 1325, and on the seal of a grant to Master Richard de Clare, 23 June 1328; also as " Margaret de Umframville late the wife of Bartholomew de Badlesmere, " in Patent Roll, 13 Dec. 1329. V.G. (') Inq. p. m., Colerne, 8 Feb. 3 Edw. III. V.G.