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374 COMPLETE PEERAGE bagot Lords Reports (3rd) it is added that the Committee apprehend that if enquiry had been made " it would have appeared that the Barony of Badlesmere had been in abeyance between four coheirs, one of whom m. John, then Earl of Oxford ; and unless the Crown had done some act, calling the dignity out of abeyance in favour of some Earl of Oxford, of which the committee have not found any trace, that dignity was never vested in any Earl of Oxford, and must have remained in abeyance between the four coheirs of Giles de Badlesmere and not between the coheirs of John, Earl of Oxford. " Notwithstanding this decision, Aubrey (de Vere), Earl of Oxford, in the Court of Claims for the Coronation of Charles II, in 1 66 1, styled himself " Seigneur Bolebeck Stanford [i.e. Sandford] Bad- lesmere et Scales " ; while, by writ of Privy Seal, 8 June 1588, Queen Eli- zabeth granted Earls Colne Priory to " Edwardo de Veere Comiti Oxon Vicecomiti Bulbeclc Domino de Badlesmere et de Scales. " See note sub Bedford Barony and note sub Bolebec. BAGOT OF BAGOT'S BROMLEY BARONY. I. William Bagot, of Bagot's Bromley and Blithfield, -. CO. Stafford, 2nd, but ist surv. s. and h. of Sir Walter ■ ■ Wagstaffe Bagot, 5th Bart. [1627] of the same, by Barbara, ist da. of William (Legge), ist Earl of Dartmouth, was b. 28 Feb. 1728. Matric. at Oxford (Magd. Coll.) 28 Oct. 1746; M.A. 1749 ; Hon. D.C.L. 1754; was M.P. (Tory) for co. Stafford, 1754-80 ;() sue. his father as 6th Bart., 20 Jan. 1768 ; and was cr., 17 Oct. 1780, BARON BAGOT OF BAGOT'S BROMLEY, co. Stafford. (") He m., 20 Aug. 1 760, Elizabeth Louisa, sister of Frederick, 2nd Viscount Bolingbroke, and ist da. of John (St. John), 2nd Viscount St. John, by his ist wife, Anne, da. and h. of Sir Robert Furnese, Bart. He d. 22 Oct. 1798, aged 70. Will pr. Nov. 1798 and again Apr. 1847. ^'^ widow d. 4 Feb. 1820, at Blith- field afsd, aged 76. Will pr. Mar. 1820. II. 1798. 2. William (Bagot), Baron Bagot of Bagot's Brom- ley, 3rd, (") but 1st surv. s. and h., b. 11 Sep. 1773, in Bruton Str. Ed. at Westm. Matric. at Oxford (Ch. Ch.) 10 Nov. 1791 ; Hon. D.C.L. 1834. F.S.A. He was a Tory in politics. Hew., istly, 30 May 1799, in Mayfair Chapel, Curzon Str., St. Geo., Han. Sq. (spec. lie), Emily, 4th da. of Charles (Fitz Roy), ist Lord Southampton, by (*) He supported Fox's India Bill, but opposed him on the Regency Question in 1788. V.G. C") The Lords Bagot bear arms of Ermine two cheverons azure, [ex inform. Oswald Barron.) V.G. f) His 1st br., Edward, b. 1763, and his 2nd br., Walter, h. 1766, and a sister Barbara, b. 1768, all d. within a few days of one another, of putrid sore throat, and were bur. at Blithfield, June 1773. Charles, the 4th br., a distinguished diplomatist, and intimate friend of the statesman Canning, was Gov. Gen. of Canada, from 1841 till his death, and d. 19 May 1843. Richard, the 5th br., was successively Bishop of Oxford, and of Bath and Weils, and d. 15 May 1854. V.G.