Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/426

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376 COMPLETE PEERAGE balcarres muir, C) sometime Privy Seal and Secretary of State [S.]), by his ist wife, Marion, widow of David Borthwick, of Lochhill, advocate, and da. of Alexander Guthrie, Town Clerk of Edinburgh, by Janet Henryson, which John Lindsay was 2nd s. of David, 9th Earl of Crawford [S.]. He was hap. 17 Mar. 1587, at Edinburgh. He sue. his ist br., John L., in the estate of Balcarres in Jan. 1 600/1, being then aged 14 years, and was served h. to him 19 May 1601. Was Knighted 1612. When Charles I visited Scotland, he was (shortly after the coronation at Holyrood) cr., 27 June 1633, LORD LINDSAY OF BALCARRES [S.], to him and his heirs male bearing the name and arms of Lindsay. The original " signature " was for his being cr. "Lord Lindsay of Balneill and Viscount of Balcarres" [S.]. C*) He w., 16 Feb. 161 1/2, at Dunfermline, his ist cousin once removed, Sophia, 5th da. of Alexander (Seton), ist Earl of Dunferm- line [S.], sometime Chancellor [S.], by his ist wife, Lilias, da. of Patrick (Drummond), 3rd Lord Drummond [S.], by Elizabeth, da. of David (Lindsay), 9th Earl of Crawford [S.] abovenamed. In the disputes which led to the Civil war, he steadfastly adhered to his King. He d. Mar. 1 640/ 1, and was bur. in the Chapel of Balcarres, aged 54. (") His will, dat. I June 1 640, appoints his wife, who surv. him, his sole executrix. (") II. 1 641. 2 and I. Alexander (Lindsay), Lord Lindsay of t7 A p T ■nnivi r<;n Balcarres [S.], s. and h. He was b. at Balcarres, 1. 1651. dington, and at the University of St. Andrews. Unlike his father, he took the part of the Covenanters against the King, but, notwithstanding, was made P.C. [S.] 16 Nov. 1641. He was at the battle of Marston Moor, 2 July 1 644, and commanded a troop of horse at the battle of Alford, 2 July 1645, where, however, he was defeated by the Royalists under Montrose, after a hard fight. On 29 Dec. 1645, he was one of the Commissioners [S.] to the King at Newcastle, whom he urged (though to no purpose) to adopt measures so as to avoid his bemg surrendered to the English. After this he appears to have stood high in favour with the King, who appointed him Governor of Edinburgh Castle. On the arrival of Charles II in Scotland, he persuaded many of his relations and friends to espouse the Royal cause. On 9 Jan. 1 650/1, by patent dat. at Perth, he was cr. LORD LINDSAY AND BALNEIL, and EARL OF BALCARRES [S.], (") " sibi, ejusque heredibus masculis C) In 1586 Lord Menmuir "purchased the lands of Balcarres, Balniell, Pit- corthie and others in Fifeshire and obtained a Royal Charter uniting them into a free Barony in his favour [10 June 1592], an estate which, with the lands of Balmakin and Innerdoral in Angus, formed the original patrimony of the Balcarres family. " ("") See Lives of the Lindsays (a work of great research) by Alexander W. C. Lindsay, styled Lord Lindsay, afterwards (1869-80) Earl of Crawford [S.], 3 vols. 8vo., 1849, and (a better edn.) 1858. C) He devoted himself to science and literature, particularly to chemistry and to the search of the (then widely sought) " Philosopher's stone. " C) For a list of Peerages cr. by Charles II while in exile, see note sub i Baron Langdale of Holme.