Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/44

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xxxiv COMPLETE PEERAGE ABBREVIATIONS Besides those for the different orders of Knighthood, for the University degrees, ^c, and such as are in general vogue, the following are made use of in this work. admon., administration. afsd., aforesaid. ap., apparent. Arch., Archieologia, 4to., 1 809. b., born. bap., baptized. Barr., Barrister at Law. bur., buried. cod., codicil. coh., coheir. Coll. Top. et Gen., Collectanea Topographica et Genealogica, 8 vols., large 8vo., Nichols & Son, London, 1834-43. Coll. Gen., Collectanea Genealogica, edited by J. Foster, large 8vo., vol. i, 1 88 I, i£c. Collins, Collins' Peerage of England, edited by Sir E. Brydges, 9 vols., 8vo., 1 8 12. (The 1st edition is in i vol., 8vo., 1709.) Compendium [E.], Compendium, English Peerage, small 4to., ist to 13th edit. 1718-69. „ [S.] „ Scottish „ „ 1st to 7th edit. 1720-64. „ [I.] „ Irish „ „ 1st to 5th edit. 1722-56. This is the first printed Peerage of Ireland ; followed, three years afterwards, by Crossley, as below, cont., contract. Courthope, Courthope's Historic Peerage of England, 8vo., 1857. Crawfurd, Crawfurd's Peerage of Scotland, folio, 1716. This is the first printed Peerage of Scotland (2nd and 3rd edition in 17 19). Crossley, Crossley 's Peerage of Ireland, folio, 1725. cr., created. Cruise, Cruise on Dignities, 2nd edit., 8vo., 1823. d., died. diem cl. ext., (writ of) diem clausit extremum. da., daughter, dat., dated, disp., dispensation. Douglas, Douglas' Peerage of Scotland, 2nd edition, edited by J. P. Wood, 2 vols., folio, 1 8 13. The ist edition is in i vol., folio, 1764. Dugdale, Dugdale's Baronage of England, 2 vols., folio, 1675-76, the first and greatest work on the English Peerage.