Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/443

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BALTIMORE COMPLETE PEERAGE 393 BALTIMORE BARONY [I.] I. George Calvert, of Danbywiske, co. York, s. and , , h. of Leonard C, by Alice, da. of John Crossland, of ^' Crossland in that co., i>. at Kipling, in the chapelry of Bolton, CO. York, in 1578 or 1579 ; matric. at Oxford (Trin. Coll.) as a Gent. Commoner, 12 July 1594, then aged 14. B.A. Feb. 1597 ; Under Secretary of State ; Clerk of the Privy Council, 1605 ; was on a special diplomatic mission to France 161 1, and to the Elector Palatine, 1615 ; Knighted 29 Sep. 1617 ; Secretary of State, Feb. 1618/9-25 ; P.C. 16 Feb. 16 1 8/9 ; a Lord of the Treasury Jan. to Dec. 1620. He received a life pension of ;^iooo a year, and obtained a grant of the province of Avalon, in Newfoundland, with most extensive privileges, which province, after expending ;^2 5,000 thereon, he had to abandon owing to the severity of the winter climate ; was M.P. for Bossiney 1609-11 ; co. York 1620-22 ; and for Oxford Univ. 1624-25. He resigned his preferments Feb. 1624/5, having become a Roman Catholic, but inasmuch as he had received large grants of land in Ireland, was, on 16 Feb. 1624/5, cr. BARON BALTI- MORE of Baltimore (") [I.]. He obtained from Charles I a grant of Maryland (') (on broader terms than he had held that of Avalon), () which grant was made out to his s. and h., under the great seal, 20 June 1632, a few weeks after his death. He m., istly, 22 Nov. 1604, at St. Peter's, Cornhill, Anne, da. of George Mynne, of Hertingfordbury, Herts., by Elizabeth, da. of Sir Thomas Wroth. She ^. 8 Aug. 1622, and was bur. at Hertingfordbury. M.I. He m., 2ndly, in or before 1627, Joan, who went with him to Avalon, but d. before him. He d. 15 Apr. 1632, and was l>ur. at St. Dunstan's-in-the-West, London. Will dat. 14, pr. 21 Apr. 1632. In^. p.m. 13 Sep. 1633, at York. II. 1632. 2. Cecil (*) (Calvert), Baron Baltimore [I.], s. and h., l>ap. 2 Mar. 1 605/6, at Bexley, Kent. He was heavily mulcted by the Parliamentary party, though he is not known to have actually fought for the King. He m. (settlement 20 Mar. 1627/8) Anne, da. of Thomas (Arundell), ist Lord Arundell of Wardour, by his 2nd wife, Anne, 3rd da. of Miles Philipson, of Crook, Westmorland. She J. in (') A good deal of information in this article has been obtained from Thos. Hearne's diaries, and more from Charles Weathers Bump, John Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, U.S.A. V.G. () " No County is named in the enrolment of the Baltimore patent. " {(x inform, the late Sir B.Burke, Ulster.) There was not (and is not) any place of that name in co. Longford, which is the county generally assigned to this creation, but the chartered town of Baltimore co. Cork, (the only place of that name in Ireland) was then of considerable note. (") So named in honour of the Queen, Henrietta Maria. () It was really a Palatinate, and modelled closely on that of Durham. V.G. (^) After the Earl of Salisbury, who was his Godfather. V.G. 51