Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/451

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BANBURY COMPLETE PEERAGE 401 family property. (") He m., istly, Dorothy, widow of Baron Chandos (who d. II Sep. 1573), and da. of Edmund (Braye), ist Lord Braye, by Jane, da. and h. of Sir Richard Halliwell. She </. 31 Oct. 1605, at Minty, and was I?iir. at Rotherfield Greys. The Earl m., 2ndly, (settlement dated 23 Dec, in the same year, 1605), being then aged about 58, Elizabeth, a girl of 19, da. of Thomas (Howard), Earl of Suffolk, by his 2nd wife, Katharine, ist. da. and coh. of Sir Henry Knyvett, of Charlton, Suffolk. Besides a da. who died young, sometime before i6io() (and possibly other issue), the Countess was mother of two sons (^. 1627 and 1 630/1) whose paternity has been frequently called in in question. The Earl d. 25 May 1632, at the house of Dr. Grant, his physician, in Paternoster Row, (") London, aged about 85, and was I?ur. at Rotherfield Greys. Will (no mention being therein made of any children) leaving all, but a few legacies, to his wife, dat. 19 May 1630, and pr. by her 2 July 1632. Fun. certif at Coll. of Arms, stating that he ^. s.p. ( ) Inq. p. m. taken at Burford, Oxon, 11 Apr. 1633 (about 11 months after his death), finding that he d. at Caversham ("') and "without issue, his next heirs being the (temale) issue of Henry Knollys, his ist br. By a subse- quent Inq. at Abingdon, i Apr. 1641 (by direction of the Court of Wards, on behalf of the infant Earl), it was found that the late Earl d. in London, leaving " Edward, now Earl of Banbury, his s. and next h., " who was then aged 5 years, i month and 1 5 days. His widow, who was l>ap. 1 1 Aug. 1586, at Saffron Walden, »;., (within 5 weeks of her husband's death) before 2 July 1632, Edward (Vaux), 4th Lord Vaux of Harrowden, who d. s.p. (or, at all events, s.p. legit.), 8 Apr. 1661, aged 74, and was bur. at Dorking, Surrey. The Countess, " a professed Papist " (who appears to have been an object of constant suspicion to the Pari.), d. 17 Apr. 1 658, In her 72nd year, and was also bur. there. M.L (") On I Mar. 1630/1, he sold the manor of Rotherfield Greys to Sir Robert Knollys, who (with his eldest s. William K.) sold it again, in May 1642, to Sir John Evelyn and Arthur Evelyn. (*) The fact of issue born previous to 1627 is here mentioned, as it confutes the argument based on the absence of any such between 1606 and 1627. See Milles' Catalogue of Honour (1610), p. 546, as to this da. ; and see Brooke's Catalogue of Nobility (16 1 9), where it is stated that the Earl " had issue," which issue, according to Vincent, who corrected Brooke (with a vengeance) in 1622, " died young. " ("^) Deposition of his servant Robert Lloyd, present at his death. This agrees with the finding in the second Inq. p. m., wherein it is stated that the Earl d. in London, leaving Edward his s. and h. C) It is stated in Dugdale (vol. ii, p. 413), that this certificate was signed by his widow. Such, however, is not the fact. C^) The place of his death was undoubtedly wrong, and both it and the statement as to want of issue are contradicted by the finding in the subsequent inquisition. Neither did his nieces, who were found heirs herein, inherit any of the Earl's lands which were heritable, whereas the s. and h. named in the subsequent inquisition did so inherit. (') Her age on the M.I. is erroneously given as in her 75th year. 52