Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/46

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xxxvi COMPLETE PEERAGE ofF., office. pr., proved. P.C., Privy Councillor. Rep., Representative. Riddelly Riddell's Law and Practice in Scottish Peerages, 2 vols., 8vo., 1 842. Robertson, Robertson's Proceedings relating to the Peerage of Scotland, 1707 to 1788, 4to. Edinburgh, 1790. [S.], Kingdom of Scotland. Segar, " Baronagium Genealogicuin, " by Sir W. Segar, Garter (1603-33), continued to 1 740 by his great-grandson, Simon Segar, a most valuable MS., 3 vols., folio, in the College of Arms, London. (") Selden, Selden's Titles of Honour, 3rd edit., folio, 1672. The ist edition is 4to., 1 6 14. s., son. s.p., sine prole. s.pJegit., sine prole legitimd. s.p.m., sine prole masculH. s.p.m.s., sine prole masculd superstite. s.p.s., sine prole superstite. spec, special. Sq., square. St., Saint. Str., street. sue, succeeded. sum., summoned. Summons, Summons of the Nobility to the Parliaments, 1264 to 1685, by Sir W. Dugdale, Garter, 1677-86, folio, 1685. surv., surviving. Test. Vet., Testamenta Vetusta, 11 90 to 1560, edited by Sir N. H. Nicolas, large 8vo., 1826. Top. and Gen., Topographer and Genealogist, edited by J. G. Nichols, 3 vols., 8vo., 1846-58. [U.K.], the United Kingdom, unm., unmarried. v.f, vitd fratris. v.m., vitd matris. v.p., vitci patris. V.C.H., Victoria History of the Counties of England, ed. by H. A. Doubleday and William Page. Vic. Gen., Vicar General's office, London. Visit., The Heralds' Visitation of the county. Westm., W^estminster. yr., younger, yst., youngest. (") This MS. was used by Edmondson for his Peerage, 5 vols., folio, 1764; vol. vi, folio, 1784.