Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/465

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BANTRY COMPLETE PEERAGE 415 have been cr. Countess of Bantry(") or Countess of Berehaven [I-JjC") but no patent ever passed the seals. For fuller particulars see sub Tyrconnell, Earldom, cr. 1685. i.e. " Saunderson of Bantry, co. Cork " Barony [I.] (Saunderson), cr. [11 July] 1627, with the Viscountcy of Castleton [I.], which see ; extinct -with, the Earldom of Castleton, 1723. BARONY [I.] I. Richard White, Q of Bantry, co. Cork, s, . and h. of Simon W., of the same, by Frances Jane, ' ' 97- ja_ of Richard Hedges, of Macroom, in that co., b. VISCOUNTCY [I.] 6 Aug. 1767, sue. his grandfather Richard White, of , Bantry afsd., and for his exertions in repelling the French invasion (1797) at Bantry Bay, was cr., 24 EARLDOM [I.] Mar. 1797, (') BARON BANTRY, of Bantry, co. , , Cork, and, subsequently, 29 Dec. 1800, (') VIS- ^- ^ ^ ^ ^- COUNT BANTRY of Bantry, co. Cork, and finally, 22 Jan. 18 16, VISCOUNT BEREHAVEN and EARL OF BANTRY, CO. Cork [I.]. He m., (spec, lie.) 3 Nov. 1799, at Cork, Margaret Anne, (fortune £.2>°,ood) ist da. of William (Hare), ist Earl of Listowel [I.], by his 1st wife, Mary, da. of Henry Wrixon. She was b. 1779, and d. 19 Jan. 1835. He d. 2 May 1851, at Glengariff Lodge, co. Cork, aged 83. (^ (») In an MS. entitled " Irish Nobility " [circa 1690-17 10 ? by Peter le Neve?) penes Sir Arthur Vicars, she appears as " Countess of Bantry. " [ex inform. G.D. Burtchaell). "18 June 1677. Reference to the Lord Treasurer of the petition ot the Countess of Bantry for a pension which she was informed after marriage to Sir G.Hamihon his Majesty would grant her, if she outHved him." [State Papers Dom., Entry Book 46, p. 187.) V.G. C") 9 J*^ly ^^77- Warrant to the Earl of Peterborough, Deputy E. M. after reciting the creation of Dame Frances Hamilton, the relict of Sir G.Hamilton to be Countess of Berehaven in Ireland, ordaining that Elizabeth, Mary Frances, and Henrietta Hamilton, the daughters of the said Sir George Hamilton should enjoy the the privilege and precedence of the daughters of a Countess of Ireland. [State Papers Dom., Entry Book 40A, f. 209. [ex inform, the Marquis de Ruvigny.) V.G. C^) See Misc. Gen. et Her., N.S., vol. i, p. 60, for an interesting account of this family. C*) King's Letters, 11 Mar. 1797. (') For an account of the Irish peerages cr. at the time of the Union, see vol. iii. Appendix H. V.G. (*) In 1799 his Irish estates were said to be worth ^^gOGO p. a. For a list of the largest resident Irish landlords at that date see vol. iii, Appendix G. " He possesses large property which he inherits through his grandfather, who made an immense fortune in the profession of the law. He is a warm supporter of all the measures of government, and an advocate for the union. " [Sietches of Irish political character, 1799.) V.G.