Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/474

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424 COMPLETE PEERAGE barmeath was cr. BARON BARHAM of Barham Court and Teston, Kent, with a spec. rem. of that dignity, in default of issue male, to his only da. and the heirs male of her body. Adm. of the Red, 9 Nov. 1805. He m., 21 Dec. 1761, at St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, Margaret, (") da. of James Gambier, Barrister at Law and Warden of the Fleet Prison, by Mary, da. of ( — ) Mead. She d. 10 Oct. 1792, at Teston. He d. s.p.m., 17 June 18 13, aged 87, at Barham Court. () Will, in which he left ;^ 10,000 to each of his 14 grandchildren, pr. Aug. 18 13, and again Jan. 1848. II. 1813. 2. Diana, jao_/arf. Baroness Barham, only child and h., b. 18 Sep. 1762, sue. to the Peerage under the spec. rem. in the patent thereof. She m., (as ist wife) 21 Dec. 1780, at St. Geo., Han. Sq., Gerard Noel Edwardes, afterwards Sir Gerard Noel Noel, Bart., of Exton Park, Rutland. She d. 12 Apr. 1823, at her seat. Fairy Hill, near Swansea, aged 60, and was bur. at Teston, afsd. Admon. May 1823. Her husband, who was b. 17 July 1759, at Tickencote, Rutland, and who, by royal lie, 5 May 1798, took the name of Noel in compliance with the will of Henry (Noel), 6th Earl of Gainsborough, sue. in 1 8 13 to the Baronetcy conferred (178 i) on his wife's father, under the spec. rem. in the patent thereof, and rf'. 25 Feb. 1838, aged 78, at Exton Park, and was bur. at Exton afsd. Will pr. Apr. 1838. III. 1823. 3. Charles Noel (Noel), Baron Barham, s. and h., b. 2 Oct. 1781. On 16 Aug. 1841 he was tr. Baron Noel, Viscount Campden and earl of Gainsborough. See " Gains- borough, " Earldom of; cr. 1841. BARHAM COURT See " Barham of Barham Court and Teston, Kent " Barony (Middlelon afterwards Noel), cr. 1 805, BARMEATH See " Bellew of Barmeath, co. Louth, " Barony [I.] (Bellew), cr. 1 848. (a) An accomplished woman, and the friend of Samuel Johnson and Hannah More. She was one of the first actively to oppose the slave trade. V.G. C") He was an early member of the Evangelical party, whose chances for distinct- ion at sea were small, although, " As a naval administrator and reformer he has had few equals in the whole history of the Navy ; as a naval thinker, the inspirer of thought in others and the confidential sharer of the best thoughts of his best contem- poraries, he stands not less indisputably in the front rank ; and that on the one occasion which called his strategic faculties into play he displayed a sureness of insight and a rapidity of decision which were not unworthy of Nelson himself. " [The Times, 3 May 19 10.) The explanation of his receiving a peerage with a spec. rtm. (an ■ honour always very sparingly conferred except during Lord Salisbury's administration, and which his public services hardly justified) is perhaps to be sought in the fact that through his mother he was a near relative of Henry (Dundas), Lord Melville. V.G.