Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/48

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v^^ EDITOR'S NOTE While this volume was in the press it was found advisable to make a change in the Appendices. Appendix A in this volume was originally to have contained a list of the Irish Peerage before the i6th Century. This list is postponed to vol. xi. The references to it in the following notes consequently require to be cancelled, and the words " appendix A in vol. xi " substituted. Note " a ' Note " b • Note " b • P- ' P- ' P- 24 290 291 Note " b ' Note " c ' 'P- ' P- 292 292 Appendix E in volume ii has also been changed, wherefore, on p. 281, note "c " for vol. ii, Appendix E read vol. iii, Appendix H ERRATUM p. 74, note " a for Appendix F reac^ Appendix E