Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/481

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BARRETT COMPLETE PEERAGE 431 BARRETT OF NEWBURGH BARONY [I.] I. Edward Barrett, s. and h. of Charles B. (who d. T -. 1;./)., 8 Aug. 1584), by Christian, da. of Sir Walter Mild- ' MAY, was b.l June 1581, and bap. at Aveley ; sue. his ^ grandfather Edward Barrett, of Belhouse, or Belhus, in the "*■'■ parish of Aveley, Essex, 31 Jan. 1585/6 ; Matric. Oxford (Queen's Coll.), aged 16, 17 Mar. 1597/8 ; Adm. Lincoln's Inn, 1602 ; he had livery of his lands 27 Nov. 1602 ; went with the Earl of Nottingham, in 1605, to conclude peace with Spain ; knighted by James I, 17 Apr. 1608; M.P. for Whitchurch 1614, andfor Newport (Cornwall) 1621-22. He had lie. to empark Belhus 23 Dec. 1618 ; Ambassador to France, 1625 ; was cr. (to him and the heirs male of his body), 17 Oct. 1627, LORD BARRETT OF NEWBURGH, co. Fife [S.] ; P.C. 10 July 1628, and Chancellor of the Exchequer 15 Aug. 1628-29. (") O" - ^'^^ 1628, being already a Peer [S.], he was cr. " a baronet of Nova Scotia, and received a grant of, presum- ably, 16,000 acres in that region, whereof he obtained seizin in the follow- ing January. " C^) Chancellor of the Duchy ot Lancaster, 1629-44 ; a Lord of the Treasury, 1641-43. He was a staunch supporter of the Stuarts. He w., istly, between 22 Apr. and 3 May 1608, Jane, sister of Henry, 1st Viscount Falkland [S.], 5th da. of Sir Edward Cary, of Aldenham, Herts, by Catharine, da. of Sir Henry Knyvett, of Buckenham, Norfolk. She d. s.p.m.y and was bur. 2 Jan. 1632/3, at Aveley, aged 38. He ;//., 2ndly, in Aug. 1635, (") Catharine, (with whom he had ;^io,ooo) widow of Hugh Perry (d. Jan. 1 634/5), Alderman of Queenhithe Ward, London, da. of Hugh Fenn, of Wotton under Edge, co. Gloucester. He d. s.p.s., and was bur. 2 Jan. 1644/5, at Aveley, aged 63, when the Peerage htc^me. extinct. Willdat. 17 Mar. 1633/4, pr. 7 Feb. 1645/6, " by the Lady Barrett, widow and executrix." C^) She m., 29 Sep. 1653, at St. Giles's-in-the-Fields, William Morgan, of Cawthrop, Oxon, her steward, and was living as his wife 19 Oct. 1664. C) She appears to have w., 4thly, a Frenchman named Bussy. (') She d. 22 July 1674. (^) BARRETT'S COUNTY i.e. " Baron of Barrett's County and Viscount Kingsale, " both CO. Cork [L]. See " Sarsfield of Kilmallockl, " Viscountcy [I.] (Sars- field)y which title was substituted for " Kingsale, " by royal authority. (") See extracts from his Diary in The Families of Lennard and Barrett, privately printed, 1908, p. 380. V.G. C') Complete Baronetage, by G.E.C. (^) The Cal. of State Papers, 1635, speaks of her as worth j^ 10,000, and as one who " useth to be a little mad sometimes. " V.G. C") See copy of this will and a good account of Aveley in More about Stifford, by the Rev. W. Palin, 1872, pp. 81-90. (') Hatton Correspondence, Camden Soc, vol. i, p. 40. V.G. (') Idem, vol. ii, p. 140. V.G. C^ The Families of Lennard and Barrett, p. 402. V.G.