Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/499

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BASING COMPLETE PEERAGE 449 the Great Seal, as to his life, and, in 1741, a regrant of his estates. He w., istly, 8 May 1737, at Finglass, Anne, da. of William Thornton, of Finglass. She d. Mar. 1742, at Nottingham. He ;«., 2ndly, 7 Nov. 1750, at Flawford, Notts, Elizabeth Shore, spinster, of the parish of St. Nicholas, Nottingham (Ruddington Register). He d. s.p., 18, and was l?ur. 22 Mar. 1750/1, at St. Nicholas', Nottingham, (") when, in all probability, the Peerage became extinct. (^) Will dat. 19 Mar. 1749, pr. 14 Jan. 1 750/1, Prerog. Court [I.]. His widow d'. 28 Dec. 18 16, at Nottingham, aged 80. BARRYMORE, see BARRY BARTON COURT See " Amesbury of Kintbury, Amesbury and Barton Court, Berks," Barony (DundasJ, cr. and extinct both in 1832. BASING See " St. John, " Barony (St. JoAtt), 1299 ; but sum. from 1322 to 1325 as " St. John de Basing ; " /'« abeyance 1347. See " Pawlet de Basing, " Barony (St. John), cr. ijij., extinct 1754. BASING OF BASING BYFLETE AND OF HODDINGTON BARONY. I. George Sclater-Booth (formerly Sclater), ist s. , „n and h. of William Lutley Sclater, C^) ot Hoddington '■ House, Hants (d. 15 Dec. 1885, aged 96), by Anna Maria, da. of William Bowyer, of the King's Remembrancer's office, was (*) The entry in the parish register is " The Hon. Henry Barry, Esq., formerly Lord Santry of the Kingdom of Ireland. " C") By his will he devised his estates to his maternal uncle (of the half blood), Sir Compton Domvile, Bart. [I.]. {") It is generally considered that the Barony of St. John, cr. in 1539, and held by the family of Paulet, was " St. John of Basing. " Such, however, is not the case ; see that title. (*) This William was ist s. of the Rev. Bartholomew Lutley Sclater, Rector of Whitlington, Northumberland {d. 1804), and grandson of Richard Sclater, Alderman of London, by his 2nd wife, Penelope, da. of Philip Lutley, of Bromcroft Castle, Salop. The Alderman's ist wife was Magdalen, da. and eentually h. of John Limbrey, of Tangier Park, and Hoddington House with Basing Byfleet, Hants, estates which were inherited by her children, both of whom, however, d. (1809-1814) unm., when the last named property passed to their nephew of the half blood, the said William Lutley Sclater. 58