Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/526

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  • Nairne (Nairne), Barony. Restored (nominatitn) 17 June 1824.

NiTHSDALE (Maxwell)y Earldom. The attainder reversed 9 June 1848, as far as relates to the issue of the forfeited Earl, whereby the Barony of Herries of Terregles, held therewith in 171 5, was restored to the heir general. Panmure (Mau/eJ, Earldom. The Grantee's heirs male of the body, extinct 4 Jan. 1782.

  • Perth (Drummond), Earldom ; after death [17 16] of the then

[17 1 5] Earl. Restored 2S June 1853. Seaforth (Mackenzie), Earldom. The Grantee's heirs male of the body, extinct 11 Jan. 18 15. Sinclair (Sine/air), Barony. The effect of the attainder came to an end 30 Nov. 1762, and the Peerage was allowed accordingly.

  • SouTHESK. (Carnegie), Earldom. Restored 2 July 1855.

WiNTOUN (Seton), Earldom. The Earl d. s.p. 19 Dec. 1749. The holders of five of these peerages — Carnwath, Kenmure, Nairne, Nithsdale and Wintoun, together with the English Lords, Derwentwater and Widdrington, were condemned to death. Derwentwater and Kenmure were beheaded 24 Feb. 171 5/6, Nithsdale having effected his escape the previous day. Carnwath, Nairne, and Widdrington were respited till pre- served by the act of indemnity, while Wintoun, on 4 Aug. 1716, also effected his escape. " A large breadth of land was forfeited by special statutes passed for attainting the Lords Mar, Tullibardine [s. and h. ap. of the Duke of Atholl], Linlithgow, Drummond [s. and h. ap. of the Earl of Perth], Marischal, Southesk, Seaforth, and Panmure. " " The epoch of a change of dynasty is not an appropriate time for a sanguinary retaliation, " and " there was a palliation on this occasion which did not attend the subsequent rebellion of 1745." The celebrated Duncan Forbes, Lord Advocate [S.], truly " predicted that excessive penalties and forfeitures following the first outbreak against the Hanover succession would infallibly lay the foundation of another. " See J. H. Burton's Scot/and, under 1716-18. 1745 By the Rising ot 1745, seven Scottish Peerages were forfeited by attainder. This act, however, in three cases (those marked *) was reversed by acts of Pari, in 1824, 1826 and 1854. The list is as under : — Balmerinoch and Coupar (Elphinstone), Barony. The grantee's heirs male of the body, extinct 18 Aug. 1746. Cromarty (Mackenzie), Earldom. The grantee's heirs male of the body, extinct 4 Nov. 1796. Forbes of Pitsligo (Forbes), Barony. The grantee's heirs male of the body, extinct 30 Aug. 1781. Kilmarnock. (Boyd), Earldom. The heir male of the body of the attainted Earl is the Earl of Erroll [S.].