Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/53

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Campbell, of Loudoun. He d. v.p., at Monkton, 23 Mar., and was bur. 29 Ap. 1618, in the Abbey Church, Paisley, aged 43. Will dat. 7 June 1616, pr. 26 June 1624. His widow, a prominent Rom. Cath. who was excommunicated in the Kirk of Paisley 20 Jan. 1628, d. in the Canongate, Edinburgh, 26 Aug., and was bur. 13 Sep. 1632, with her husband.

II. 1618. 2. James (Hamilton), Earl of Abercorn, &c. [S.], s. and h. In the lifetime of his father and grandfather, he, though only about thirteen years of age, was, on 8 May 1617 (the Privy Seal being dat. 18 Oct. 1616), cr. LORD HAMILTON, BARON OF STRABANE, co. Tyrone [I.], with rem. to the heirs male of the body of his father. Soon after this he suc. to his father's Peerages in Scotland, and in 1621 he suc. his grandfather as LORD PAISLEY, co. Renfrew [S.], a Peerage cr. 29 July 1587. On 11 Nov. 1633 he resigned his Irish Peerage in favour of his yr. br., Claud Hamilton, on whom the Irish estates were settled. Being a Rom. Cath., he was excommunicated by the general assembly of the Church of Scotland in 1649, and ordered out of that kingdom. On 11 Sep. 1651, by the death, s.p.m., of his cousin, William, 2nd Duke of Hamilton [S.], he became the male representative of the illustrious house of Hamilton, though he inherited none of the estates or titles of the senior line.[1] He m., about 1632, Catharine, Dowager Duchess of Lennox [S.], da. and h. of Gervase (Clifton), Lord Clifton of Leighton Bromswold, by Catharine, da. and h. of Sir Henry Darcy, of Leighton afsd. She (who by Royal Lic., 28 Nov. 1632, was entitled, nothwithstanding her marriage, to retain her title, rank, and precedency as Duchess of Lennox [S.]), d. in Scotland, and was bur. "without ceremonie" 17 Sep. 1637, aged about 45. Will dat. 12 Aug. 1637, pr. 15 Jan. 1638/9. He was then living, but "more than 400,000 merks in debt." He d. about 1670.

    s. of the Earl of Clanricarde, as Baron Dunkellin, in 1711; (7) the s. of the Earl of Meath (again), as Baron of Ardee in 1714; (8) the s. of the Earl of Granard, as Baron Forbes in 1725; and (9) the s. of Viscount Strabane (Earl of Abercorn [S.]), as Baron Mountcastle, in 1735/6. As to the precedency of Peers in the English Parl. granted by Royal Warrants since the Statute of Precedency of 31 Hen. VIII, see Appendix C. at the end of this volume.

  1. As h. male of the body of James (Hamilton) Earl of Arran [S.] (so cr. 11 Aug. 1503, in consequence of his marriage with the Princess Margaret of Scotland), it is not improbable that he was entitled to that Earldom. (See Pedigree on p. 4). The original limitation thereof to heirs male of the body, was extended by the second, and possibly by the 1st, of two charters thereafter granted, viz. (1) on 16 Jan. 1512/3 the limitation of the lands and Baronies of Hamilton, &c. was extended to several bastard sons of the grantee and to others therein named (of the name of Hamilton) "and the heirs male of their bodies respectively, which failing, to the nearest heir male whatever" of the grantee. (2) On 15 Sep. 1650, by another charter, the Baronies of Hamilton &c., together with the Earldom of Arran, were granted to James, the 2nd Earl, and the heirs male of his body, which failing, to five other persons (therein named) of the name of Hamilton, in like manner, which failing, "to his nearest heirs [query, heirs male] bearing the arms and name of Hamilton." See Wood's Douglas, vol. i, pp. 697–699.