Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/533

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APPENDIX F 483 1698. Apr. 12. Virgilio Davia, Senator of Bologna, cr. Baron Davia, Viscount Monevdie and Earl of Almond [S.]. [ ] . . . Purcell, said to have been cr. Baron Loughmore [I.J but query . Nicholas Purcell, Lord of the Barony of Lougmow, co. Tip- perary, was Col. of a Regiment of Horse in James II's army [1.] 1689. Many of that name " followed the fortunes of James the Second to the Continent. " (") [ ] . . . De Cantillon, said to have been cr. Baron Ballyhigue [I.], but query if not a French creation ^ (") [ ] Humphrey Borlase of Treludro, Cornwall, is said to have been cr. by James II after his dethronement Lord Borlase of Borlase, and Baron of Mitchell, Cornwall. He d. s.p.s. 1709. [ ] Walter Pye is said to have been cr. Baron Kilpee [E.]. The abovenamed creations of James II (after 11 Dec. 1688), if arranged according to the highest dignity conferred (omitting the incidental titles), amount to 4 Dukedoms, viz : — Tyrconnell [I.], Powis [E.], Melfort [S.], and Albemarle [E.] ; one Marquessate, viz : — Seaforth [S.] ; 7 Earl- doms, viz: — Almond [S.] for life, Dover [E.], Newcastle [I.], Lucan [I.], Tenterden [E.], Portland [E.], and Almond [S.] ; 5 Viscountcies, viz : — Kenmare [1.], Mountcashell [I.], Mount Leinster [I.], Preston [S.], and Cahiravahilla [I.] ; and 5, or possibly 9 Baronies, viz: — Fitton [I.], Bourke of Bophin [I.], Nugent of Riverston [I.], Liddal [E.], Cleworth [E.], and (Qy.) Loughmore [I.], Ballyhigue [I.], Borlase [E.], and Kilpee [E.]. In all 21 or 25 creations, of which 6 (Tyrconnell, Powis, Jermyn, Galmoy, Melfort, and Seaforth) were already Peers of the Kingdom In which they were thus granted a dignity of a higher grade. PEERAGES CREATED BY JAMES FRANCIS EDWARD STUART titular " JAMES III" I7OI-66 Note. — The list is arranged according to the rank of the Peerage conferred. It is to be observed that there are some Scottish creations among them after 1707, inasmuch as the Union with Scotland was not recognised by the exiled House of Stuart. DUKES 1 70 1. James (Drummond), Earl of Perth [S.], cr. 22 Oct. 1716 Baron C) See King James" Irish Army List, 1689, by J. D'Alton, ist Edit., pp. 239-245. (") The arms of " Cantillon de Ballyhigue " are blazoned in H. Gourdon de Genouillac, Recueil tJ'Jrmoires des Maisons Nobles de France, Paris, i860, 8vo. " The Chevalier Antoine Sylvain de Cantillon, Baron de Ballyheige in France " is mentioned in Sir B. Burke's Gen. Armory, 1878. J. H. Round suggests that the grantee may have been Sir Richard Cantillon, of the court of James III. V.G.