Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/539

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APPENDIX G ELDEST SONS OF PEERS SUMMONED TO PARLIAMENT V.P. IN ONE OF THEIR FATHERS' PEERAGES In "Writs of Summons to the eldest son of a Peer in his father's Barony " {Courthope^ p. xxxix) the effect of such writ is fully discussed in an able and lucid manner. It is there mentioned that " the only instance of a son sum. in his father's Earldom " is that of the Earl of Warwick (1552-53), 6 and 7 Edw. VI. It is also stated that in 1628 the s. of a Viscount {i.e. Edward Conway, s. and h. ap. ot Edward, Baron Conway and Viscount Conway) was sum. v.p. in his tather's Barony ; and that in 1680 the s. of a Baron (i.e. Conyers Darcy, s. and h. of Conyers, Baron Darcy and Baron Conyers) was sum. v.p. in one of his father's Baronies. There is, however, a later such instance, when, in May 1723, Charles Townshend s. and h. ap. of Charles Viscount Townshend was sum. v.p. in his father's Barony. In no other cases has the s. of anyone below the rank ot an Earl been so sum. Among the nine instances of eldest sons of Irish Peers sum. to the House of Lords [I.] in one of their father's titles (see ante, p. 2, note " c ") it is to be noted that the s. of the Duke of Ormonde was sum. in 1662 as Earl of Ossory ; the s. of the Earl of Clancarty, also in 1662, as Viscount Muskerry ; the s. of the Earl of Cork, in 1662/3, ^^ Viscount Dungarvan, while the s. of a Viscount (Viscount Strabane), was sum. in 1735/6, as Baron Mountcastle. As to the right of the eldest son of an Earl to be sum. to Pari., com- pare the writ (1336) 10 Edw. HI to Hugh (Courtenay), Earl of Devon, " quod ipse iSc. vel filium suum primogenitum ibidem mittat. " See Dugdale's Summons, p. 187. For convenience of reference the list here given is printed in tabular form on the next page.