Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/55

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[James Hamilton, styled Lord Paisley, s. and h. ap. He m., 28 Apr. 1653, at St. Bartholomew's-the-Less, London, Catharine,[1] da. of Sir John Lenthall, Marshal of the King's Bench, by Hester, da. of Sir Thomas Temple, 1st Bart., of Stowe, which John[2] was a br. of William Lenthall, of Burford, Oxon, Speaker of the House of Commons. He d. v.p. and s.p.m. before 1670. His widow's admon. as "of Burford, Oxon, widow," 20 July 1696.]
III. 1670? 3. George (Hamilton), Earl of Abercorn, &c. [S.], 3rd, but 1st surv. s. and h., b. about 1636. He was living in 1670, but d. unm. at Padua, in Italy, before 1683.
IV. 1680? 4. Claud (Hamilton), Earl of Abercorn, &c. [S.], also Lord Hamilton, Baron of Strabane [I.], cousin and h. male. He was s. and h. of George, 4th Lord Strabane [I.] (by Elizabeth, da. and h. of Christopher Pagan, of Feltrim, co. Dublin), who was br. and h. of James, 3rd Lord Strabane [I.], being s. of Claud, 2nd Lord Strabane [I.], which Claud was yr. br. of James, 2nd Earl of Abercorn, who had (as before mentioned) resigned in his favour the Irish Peerage of Strabane. He was bap. 13 Sep. 1659, at St. Audoens, Dublin. On 14 Apr. 1668, he suc. his father in the Irish Peerage and estates. He was P.C. [I.], and Lord of the Bedchamber to James II, with whom he went to France at the Revolution, and for whom he commanded a regiment of Horse, in 1689, in Ireland, where he was killed when re-embarking for France, after the battle of the Boyne, 1 July 1690. He d. unm. After his death he was outlawed [I.], 11 May 1691, when his Irish Peerage and estates were forfeited.
V. 1690. 5. Charles (Hamilton), Earl of Abercorn, &c. [S.], and afterwards, also, Lord Hamilton, Baron of Strabane [I], br. and h. By Royal Letters, 24 May 1692, he obtained a reversal of his brother's attainder, and suc. to the Irish Peerage and estates accordingly. On 31 Aug. 1695 he took his seat in the Irish House of Lords, and in 1697 signed the declaration for the succession to the Crown, &c. On 16 July 1697, he was tried at Oxford for the murder of Mr. Prior of Burford, and acquitted.[3] He m. Catharine, widow of William Lenthall (bur. 5 Sep. 1686), of Burford, Oxon, only da. and h. of James Hamilton, styled Lord Paisley, abovenamed, by Catharine, da. of Sir John Lenthall, afsd., Marshal of the King's Bench. He d., s.p.s., at Strabane, June 1701. Will dat. 7 Aug. 1697, pr. 16 May 1704. His widow d. 24 May 1723, aged about 70, in Pall Mall, and was bur. in the Richmond vault in Henry VII's Chapel, Westm. Abbey. Will dat. 17 Aug. 1722, pr. 24 May 1723.

  1. She had previously borne "some children" to Sir William Fleming. Baillie's Letters, vol. iii, p. 366. V.G.
  2. See Gent. Mag. N.S. vol. v, p. 570, for pedigree, with proofs enlarging that in Le Neve's Knights. V.G.
  3. Hist. MSS. Com. 12th Rep., App., Pt. 7, and Luttrell's Diary. V.G.