Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 2.djvu/151

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BERKELEY 135 at St. Augustine's Friars, London. He m., jrdly, about i486, Anne, da. of Sir Thomas Fiennes (s. and h. ap. of Richard, Lord Dacre), by Alice, da. of Henry (Fitz Hugh), Lord Fitz Hugh. He c/.s.p.s., 14 Feb. 149 1/2, in the Sanctuary at Westm., in his 67th year, and was i>ur. at St. Augustine's Friars afsd., not leaving sufficient assets to pay the arrears of wages due to his household. Will dat. 5 Feb. 1491/2. At his death the Marquessate of Berkeley and the Earldom of Nottingham became ext'nict. His widow tn. Sir Thomas Brandon, K.G., whose will, dat. 1 1 Jan. i509/io,was pr. 1 1 May 1 5 10. She d. 10 Sep. 1497, and was bur. at St. George's Chapel, Windsor. BARONY. 3. Maurice (Berkeley), de jure (apparently) Lord III. 1492. Berkeley [142 i], br. of the whole blood, and h., who "may bee called Maurice the Lawier" inasmuch as though totally disinherited by his br., and though 56 years of age at his brother's death, he recovered, within 7 years, upwards of 50 manors and other lands, the alienation of which had been effected illegally. He had been Knight of the body to Edward IV. He «;., in his 30th year (1465), Isabel (at that time a widow with 3 children who all d. young), only da. of Philip Mead, of Mead's Place, in Wraxall, Somerset, Alder- man, and three times (1458-59, 1461-62, 1468-69) Mayor of Bristol, by Isabel, his wife. She (^) became h. to her br., Thomas Mead, inheriting lands at Thornbury, co. Gloucester, and at Wraxall, Ashton, Bedminster, and Tickenham, Somerset. He d. Sep. 1506, aged 70, and was bur. at Austin Friars, London. His widow d. after 29 May 15 14, at the same age of 70, at Coventry, and was bur. with him. IV. 1506. 4. Maurice (Berkeley), de jure (apparently) Lord Berkeley [142 i], s. and h., who "may bee called Maurice the Courtier" was b. 1467, probably at Thornbury. Keeper of Kingswood Forest 1508; K.B. at the coronation, 23 June 1509; Sheriff of co. Gloucester 1 509- 1 o, and 1 5 1 5- 1 6, residing principally at Yate, co. Gloucester; Sheriff of cos. Leicester and Warwick, 1516-17.C') Knight of the body to Henry VIII, 13 Apr. 15 12; Marshal of the Army for Spain, 15 12; Capt. in the army in France, 15 13 and again 1523. Lieut, of Calais 1520. He is said to have been sum. to the Pari, of 15 Apr. (1523) 14 Hen. VIII ("=) (at which time he was still abroad), and to have been advised to accept the (^) It has been conjectured that this match gave offence to his br., but Smyth says that the Marquess "had little cause to complain of the obscure parentage of the Lady Isable which he vainly called base, i^c." C') " An argument that hee was not then accepted as a Peere of the Realme, as after also more fully doth appear." (Smyth's Bcrkelcys). {^) "By reason of which summons he then sat in Pari, merely as a New Baron in the lowest place of which he had no joy, £5"c." [but submitted] "being thereunto per- suaded by his Council learned in the law as appeareth by an orig. letter written to him by John Fitz James, then Lord Chief Baron," dated 6 May 1523. See Dugdale, and note "a" on next page. In the Cliroriic/f of Calais, 1 485-1 540, edited by J. G. Nichols for the Camden Soc. (1846), it is stated that at a Pari, held at Westm.