Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 2.djvu/158

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142 BERKELEY EARLDOM. 1 4 and I2. Augustus (Berkeley), Earl of jy Berkeley, ^c, only s. and h., l>. i8 Feb. 171 5/6. g Ensign ist. reg. of Foot Guards, Nov. 1734, Lieut. BARONY ' ^° ""^ ^^S' ^°'~*^ Guards, 1737, Col. of a reg. sent against the Jacobites in 1745. Lord Lieut, of co. XIL J Gloucester and Constable of St. Briavel's Castle, 1737 till his death. K.T. 9 June 1739. A Whig in politics. He m., 7 May 1 744 (reg. at St. James's, Westm., and at Berkeley and at Cranford afsd.), Elizabeth,^) ist da. of Henry Drax, of EUerton Abbey, co. York, by Elizabeth, da. and h. of Sir Edward Ernle, Bart., of Charborough, Dorset. He d. 9, and was i>ur. 1 7 Jan. 1 755, at Berkeley, aged nearly 39. Will dat. 18 Dec. 1751, pr. Feb. 1755. His widow, who was Lady of the Bedchamber to the Princess of Wales 1745, m., 2 Jan. 1757, at her house in Spring Gardens, St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, as his 3rd wife, Robert (Nugent), ist Earl Nugent [L], who d'. 14 Oct. 1788. She d. 29, and was ^«r. 30 June 1792, at Berkeley, aged 72. Will pr. July 1792. EARLDOM V. BARONY. XIIL 5 and 13. Frederick Augustus (Berkeley), Earl of Berkeley, &'c., s. and h., i>. 24 May, and l>iip. 10 June 1745, at St. Martin's-in-the- '-*-•■ Fields. Lord Lieut, of co. Gloucester, High Steward of Gloucester, Constable of St. Briavel's and Warden of the Forest of Dean, all 1766 till his death. Col. in the army (during service) 1779 and 1794.C') A Whig in politics. He m. Mary, da. of William Cole, of Wotton, near Gloucester, " Publican and Butcher."('^) This marriage is said to have been first celebrated (according to the oath in 181 1 of the lady herself, before the Lords' Committee for Privileges) 30 Mar. 1785, at Berkeley ;('^) and (subsequently) according to undoubted evidence (he and she being respectively styled " Bachelor " and "Spinster"), 16 May 1796, "very privately," at Lambeth Church, Surrey. He ^. 8 Aug. 18 10, aged 6^.() He settled Berkeley Castle, (^) "There is nothing so black of which she is not capable. Her gallantries are the whitest specks about her." (Horace Walpole). V.G. C") As to his taste for "hare hunting" see vol. i, Appendix H. (■=) An interesting account of the career of this lady, who, until 1796, generally went under the name of " Miss Tudor," is given in the Annual Register for 1 884, p. 278. (f) A fac-simile of this marriage-entry is given in the Minutes of Evidence, and in a narrative pub. in 1811. Though numbered "74," the entry is at the end of the Berkeley Parish Register book, while a totally different marriage {viz. the genuine "No. 74") is in the right place. The Marquess of Buckingham and others declared their belief that, with the exception of the signatures of Mary Cole and of [her br., one of the witnesses] William Tudor, the whole was in the handwriting of the Earl of Berkeley himself. (^) He appears in 1773 with a Miss Bayley, " Lord B. and Miss B . . . . y," in the notorious tete a tete portraits in Town and Country Mag., for an account of which see