Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 2.djvu/178

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i62 BERTRAM (probably long before) 29 Jan. 1310/1, when the descendants of her father's 4 sisters were found to be his heirs, (i) Sir William fitz William, of Sprotborough and Emley, co. York, s. and h. of Sir William fitz Thomas, of the same, s. and h. of Sir Thomas fitz William,(^) of the same (d. between 1267 and 1279), by Agnes, the ist sister.C') (2) Sir Philip Darcy, of Cawkwell and Coningsby, co. Lincoln (aged 40 and more in 1299), s. and h. of Sir Norman D., of the same (aged 28 and more in 1264), s. and h. of Sir Philip D., of the same, by Isabel, the 2nd sister. (3) Elias de Penulbury or Penbury, of Pendlebury, co. Lancaster, s. and h. of ( — ) P., of the same, by Christian, the 3rd sister (she w., 2ndly, Sir Robert de Ros, of Wark, who d. in 1 275). (4) Sir Gilbert d'Aton, s. and h. of Sir William d'A., by Isabel, da. of Sir Simon de Veer, of Goxhill, co. Lincoln, and Sproatley in Holderness [d. before 3 Sep. 1270), by his 2nd wife (to whom she was sole h.), Ada, the 4th sister.("') On i June 13 12, Philip Darcy did homage and had livery of one-fourth of the mill of Felton, the other 3 parts remaining in the King's hand.('^) BERWICK See "Hume of Berwick.," Barony {Hume), cr. 1604; extinct 161 1. See "Hume of Berwick.," Barony (Hume), cr. 1776; extinct 1781. BERWICK-UPON-TWEED DUKEDOM. I. James Fitz James, elder (^) of the two illegit. sons J ,_ of King James II by Arabella (sister of John, afterwards ' Duke of Marlborough), da. of Sir Winston Churchill, , was l>. 21 Aug. 1670; ed. abroad at the Colleges of Juilly °^' (near Meaux), Plessis and La Fleche. He distinguished himself at the siege of Buda in July 1686,0 when that fortress was wrested (^) This Thomas, "filius et heres Willelmi filii Willelmi," had livery of his land ill Riton as early as 23 Feb. 1223/4. (Fine Roll, 8 Hen. Ill, m. 9). He gave this vill to his da., Margaret. (Hunter, South Yorkshire, vol. i, p. 336). C") She had in free marriage the manor of Stainton in the Street, which she gave to her da., Agnes. (Deed in Surtees, Durham, vol. iii, p. 399). (') See "Axon," " Darcy," and » Ros of Wark." ('^) Fine Roll, 5 Edw. II, m. 3. Philip appears to have been the only one of the coheirs who had taken any steps in the matter. (^) See as to the yr. s., Henry Fitz James, sub " Albemarle," titular Dukedom of [13 Jan. 1696], ante, vol. i, p. 91. (') "The following list of Englishmen are [hV] authentically proved to have taken part in the siege: — Dudley, illegit. son of Prince Rupert, known in the Imperial army as Prince Dudley; James Fitz-James, illegit. son of King James II; Forbes, Earl of Granard, volunteer ; Viscount Mountjoy, from Ireland ; Lord Halifax ; George Hay, from Scotland ; Kerry, brother to Lord Quberry [j/V], from Scotland ; Cutts, volun-