Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 2.djvu/199

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BLANTYRE 183 BLANTYRE BARONY [S.] I. Walter Stewart, of Blantyre, co. Lanark, yr. s. . , , of Sir John S., of Minto, co. Roxburgh, being ist s. by his 2nd wife, Margaret, sister and h. of James, and da. of (another) James Stewart, of Cardonald, having been ed. with James VI, received from that King a grant of the Priory of Blantyre, C") and, in 1580, being then made Gent, ot the Bedchamber, is styled "Commendator of Blantyre." P.C. and Keeper of the Privy Seal [S.] 14 Nov. 1582. Extra- ordinary Lord of Session, 1593-99, and Jan. 1609/10 till his death; and in Jan. 1595/6 one of the 8 Commissioners (called "Octavians") of the Treasury and Exchequer [S.] ; High Treasurer [S.] 6 Mar. 1596. On 1 8 Jan. 1598/9 he had a charter of the Barony of Blantyre, (yc. under the designation of" Walter, Lord Blantyre (^) our Treasurer." In Apr. 1 599 he was deprived of his offices and imprisoned in Edinburgh Castle, but soon released, and in 1604 made a Commissioner for the treaty of Union [S.]. On 10 July 1606 he was knighted and was cr. a PeerC^) as LORD OF BLANTYRE [S.]. He ;«., 31 Dec. I58i,('^) Nichola, 4th da. of Sir James Somerville, of Cambusnethan, by Katherine, da. of Patrick Murray, of Philiphaugh. She d. before 30 Aug. 16 14. He d. 8 Mar. 161 7. [Sir J.AMES Stewart, sfsled Master of Blantyre, s. and h. ap. He m. Dorothy, da. of George (Hastings), 4th Earl of Huntingdon, by Dorothy, 2nd da. and coh. of Sir John Port, of Etwall, co. Derby. He d. s.p. and •!'./>., being slain in a duel with Sir George Wharton (slain at the same time) at Islington, 8, and was bur. there 10 Nov. 1609. His widow, who was b. 15 Jan. 1579, w., soon after (as 2nd of his three wives), Robert Dillon, 2nd Earl of Roscommon [I.], who d. 27 Aug. 1642. She .;/. before 1622.] II. 1 61 7. 2. William (Stewart), Lord Blantyre [S.], 2nd but 1st surv. s. and h., was K.B. 2 June 16 10. He was served h. to his maternal grandfather 30 Aug. 16 14, and to his father 12 July 1 62 1. He »;., before 12 Aug. 161 5, Helen, da. of Sir William Scott, of Ardross, by Jean, da. of Sir John Skene, of Curriehill. He d. 29 Nov. 1638. (^) See note sub John, Lord Holyroodhouse [1607]. C*) From his being designated '■'■Lord Blantyre" it has been argued that at this, or at an earlier date (and not at the usually received one of 1 606), the Peerage must have been created. ("=) On 10 July 1606 " Walter Stewart, Prayour of Blantyre, ves maid Knight of Cardonald, and thairafter Barone, Banaret and Lord of our Sovereign Lord's pari. and ordainit in all tyme thair after to be callit Lord of Blantyre." See Carmlcliael's tracts, 28. {^) Sir Robert Bowes writes to Sir Francis Walsingham, 7 Jan. 1582, "The prior of Blantire whom I have called to Court from his fair wife married viij days past." V.G.