Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 2.djvu/233

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BOLTON 217 II. 1807. 2. William Powlett (Orde - Powlett), Baron Bolton of Bolton Castle, formerly William Powlett Orde, ist s. and h., b. 31 Oct., and bap. 8 Dec. 1782, at St. James's, Westm. ; ed. at King's Coll. Cambridge. iVI.P. (Tory) for Yarmouth (Isle of Wight) Apr. to July 1 807. He m., 8 May 1 8 10, at Bisham, Berks, Maria, ist da. of Guy (Carleton), ist Baron Dorchester, by Mary, 3rd da. of Thomas (Howard), Earl of Effingham. He d. s.p., at Hackwood Park, 13, and was bur. 20 July 1850, at Old Basing, aged 67. Will pr. Aug. 1850. His widow, who was b. in the Chateau St. Louis, at Quebec, 20 Aug. 1777, d. at Odiham Rectory, Hants, 16, and was bur. 23 Nov. 1863, at Old Basing, in her 87th year, III. 1850. 3. William Henry (Orde-Powlett), Baron Bolton OF Bolton Castle, nephew and h., being 2nd but ist surv. s. and h. of Thomas Powlett Orde-Powlett, of Bolton Hall, in the North Riding of co. York, by Letitia, illegit. da. of Henry O'Brien, of Blatherwick Park, Northants, which Thomas Powlett was br. to the last Lord, and d. v.f., 31 Jan. 1843, ^g^d 56. He was b. in Weymouth Str., 24 Feb., and bap. 7 Mar. 1 8 1 8, at St. Marylebone. A Conservative in politics. Hew., 12 Mar. 1844, at Eastwood, Notts, Letitia, yst. da. of Robert Crawfurd, of Newfield, co. Ayr. She d. 4 Jan. 1882, aged 57. He d. 7 Nov. 1895, aged 77, at Bolton Hall, and was bur. at Wensley. Will pr. at ;^224,590. IV. 1895. 4- William Thomas (Orde-Powlett), Baron Bolton of Bolton Castle [1787], ist s. and h.; b. 31 Jan. 1845, a* Bolton Hall afsd., and bap. there privately. Ed. at Eton; matric. at Cambridge (Trin. Coll.) Lent 1864. Cornet of Hussars 1862. F.S.A. 26 Nov. 1903. A Conservative in politics. He ;«., 13 Aug. 1868, at Maltby, Algitha Frederica Mary, ist da. of Richard George (Lumlev), 9th Earl of Scarbrough, by Frederica Mary Adeliza, da, of Andrew Robert Drummond. She was b. 23 Nov. 1847, at Tickhill Castle. Family Estates. — These, in i 883, consisted of 15,413 acres in the North Riding of Yorkshire, and of 13,808 in Hants. Total, 29,221 acres, being of the annual value of ^zjy^^z. Principal Residences. — Hackwood Park, near Basingstoke, Hants, and Bolton Hall, near Bedale, co. York. "ScROPE OF Bolton," see " Scrope" Barony, cr. 1371, under the date of 1 44 1, BOLTON CASTLE See " Bolton of Bolton Castle, co. York," Barony {Orde-Powlett), cr. 1797. 29