Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 2.djvu/320

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304 BREWES bray], who was hanged at York (after the battle of Boroughbridge), 23 Mar. 132 1/2. She w., 2ndly, Sir Richard de Peshale, and d. before 21 Aug. I33i.(*) (2) Joan m., istly, in or before 1301, James de Bohun, who d. in 1306. She m., 2ndly, Sir Richard Foliot, of Gressenhall, Norfolk, and d. before 23 June 1324. Among their representatives any hereditary Barony, that may be supposed to have been created in 1290, is in abeyance. (^) BREUSE or BREWES(=) I. Sir Richard de Breuse, a yr. s. of John de B., Lord of Bramber and Gower, by Margaret, da. of Llewelyn ap lorwerth. Prince OF North Wales, b. before 1232. He was sum. cum equis et artnis 12 Dec. (1276) 5 Edw. I to 14 June (1287) 15 Edw. I, and to attend the King at Shrewsbury,('^) 28 June (1283) 11 Edw. I, by writs directed Ricardo de Brehuse or Breuse. He w., before 9 Sep. I265,(') Alice, widow of Richard Lungespeye (who d. s.p. shortly before 27 Dec. I26i),(') and da. and h. of William le Rus, of Stinton, Norfolk, Akenham and Whit- tingham, Suffolk,(«) by Agatha, da. and h. of Roger de Clere, of Bramley, Surrey, and Ludborough, co. Lincoln. (■") She was ^.25 Dec. 1245 or 1247, or I Jan. 1 245/6. («) He d. before 18 June 1292.0 His widow d. shortly before 28 Jan. i30o/i.(') They were bur. in Woodbridge Priory. (») Ch, Inq. p. m., Edw. Ill, file 30, no. 8. (»>) See " Mowbray " and " Bohun." (■=) This article has been kindly contributed by G. W. Watson. V.G. {^) As to this supposed Pari, see Preface. V.G. (*) Curia Regis Roll, no. 174, 49 Hen. Ill, m. 11. (') Ch. Ing. p. m. (on Richard Lungespeye), Hen. Ill, file 25, no. 20. This Richard was and s. of William Lungespeye or Longespe, by Idoine, da. and h. of Richard de Camville [Book of Lacock, f. igd). In Feb. 1260/1 the King styled him cognato mo [Fine Roll, 45 Hen. Ill, m. 16). (8) Ch. Inq. p. m. (on William le Rus), Hen. Ill, file 14, no. 17, file 23, no. 17, (•") Ch. Inq. p. m. (on Roger de Clere and Maud his wife), Hen. Ill, file 10, no. 14. (') At which date his widow was claiming her dower [Assize Roll, no. 1089, 20 Edw. I, m. 2od). On the morrow of St. John the Baptist 25 Edw. I, Richard de Brewose obtained from [his mother] Alice, que fuit uxor Ricardi de Brewosa, the manor of Stradbroke, Suffolk. The younger Richard m. Ah'anore [Feet of Fines, case 216, file 43, no. 42; file 45, no. 30). He was sum. cum equis et armis 12 Mar. 1 300/1. Blomefield erroneously assigns to the elder Richard the Inq. p. m. on his nephew Richard, for which see p. 308, note "d." ()) Fine Roll, 29 Edw. I, m. 15: Ch. Inq. p. m., Edw. I, file loi, no. 5.