Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 2.djvu/347

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BROOKE 331 BROMFLETE see VESSY BROMHAM See "Trevor of Bromham," Barony (Trevor), cr. 1712; extinct 1824. BROMLEY (CO. Stafford) See "Gerard of Gerard's Bromley, co. Stafford," Barony (Gerard), cr. 1603; extinct 1707. See " Bagot of Bagot's Bromley, co. Stafford," Barony (Bagot), cr. 1780. BROMLEY HILL PLACE See " Farnborough of Bromley Hill Place, Kent," Barony (Long), cr. 1826; extinct 1838. BRONTE (Italy) See " Bridport of Cricket St. Thomas, Somerset, and of Bronte in THE Kingdom of Italy," Viscountcy (Hood), cr. 1868. BROOKE or BROKE i.e. Sir Edward Brooke, of Cobham, sum. to Pari. 13 Jan. 1444/5, ^^^ "Cobham," Barony by writ 13 13. i.e. Sir Robert Willoughby of Broke, Wilts, sum. to Pari. 12 Aug. 1491, see "Willoughby of Broke." BROOKE OF BEAUCHAMPS COURT and BROOKE OF WARWICK CASTLE BARONY. I. Fulke Greville, only s. and h. of Sir Fulke . , G., of Beauchamps Court, in Alcester, co. Warwick, by Anne, da. of Ralph (Nevill), 4th Earl of Westmor- land, which Sir Fulke was s. and h. of another Sir Fulke G., by Elizabeth, da. and coh. (eventually sole h., being the greatest heiress of her time) of Edward Willoughby,(^) s. and h. ap. of Robert, (^) The Barony of Willoughby of Broke fell into abeyance, on the death of the 2nd Lord s.p.m.s., 10 Nov. (15 21) 13 Hen. VIII, between his three granddaughters and coheirs. Two of these died without issue, before the death of their sister, Dame Elizabeth Greville (who d. in 1560), who, according to modern doctrine, would have been entitled suo jure to the Barony. She would have been succeeded therein by her son (i 560-1606) and, subsequently, by her grandson, Fulke Greville, cr. in 1621, Baron Brooke. It was not, however, till 13 Feb. 1695/6 (when the represen-