Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 2.djvu/359

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BROUGHAM 343 [Henry Brougham, only s. and h.,^. 26 May 1887. Sometime 2nd Lieut. Coldstream Guards. He m., 13 July 1908, at St. Paul's, Knights- bridge, Diana Isabel, ist da. of Humphrey Napier (Sturt), 2nd Baron Alingtom, by Feodorowna, ist da. of Charles Philip (York.e), 5th Earl OF Hardwicke. She was b. 3 Apr. 1884.] Family Estates. — These, in 1 883, consisted of 1,369 acres in Cumberland, valued at ;^905 a year, and of 985 acres in Westmorland, valued at ;{^ 1,646 a year: viz., 2,3 54 acres valued at £,i,^^ a year. To this may now be added the inherited lands of the family of Taylor: viz. 2,716 acres in Somerset and 9 in Hants, together valued at ;^4,587 ayear. — Total 5,076 acres valued at

^7,I38 a year. Principal Residence
— Brougham Hall, near Penrith, West-

morland. BROUGHTON See " Bellenden of Broughton in Midlothian," Barony [S.], cr. 1 66 1 ; extinct or dormant, 1 805. BROUGHTON OF B R O UG H T O N - D E- GYFFORD BARONY. I. John Cam Hobhouse, s. and h. of Sir Benjamin J jj H., Bart, (so cr. 1812, d. 14 Aug. 1831), by his ist ^ wife, Charlotte, da. and h. of Samuel Cam, of Chantry „, House, in Bradford-on-A von, Wilts, was i-. 27 June 1786, "■ at Redland, near Bristol, and bap. at Westbury-upon-Trym, CO. Gloucester. Ed. at Westm. school, and at Trin. Coll. Cambridge; B.A. 1808; M.A. 181 1. Was a partner in the house of "Whitbread and Co.," Brewers, London. F.R.S. 1 9 May 1 8 14. A pamphlet which he wrote, called A trifling mistake, reflecting on the House of Commons, was held to be a breach of privilege, and he was in Dec. 18 19 committed to Newgate on the Speaker's warrant, and remained there till Pari, rose in Feb. 1820. Having adopted advanced Liberal views, which in later years were much modified, he was elected M.P. for Westm. 1820-33; for Nottingham 1834-47, and for Harwich 1848-51. P.C. 6 Feb. 1832; and Sec. at War 1832-33; Ch. Sec. for Ireland Mar. to May 1833; Ch. Com. of Woods and Forests July to Nov. 1834: President of the Board of Control 1835-41 and again 1846-52. On 26 Feb. 1851, he was cr. BARON BROUGHTON OF BROUGHTON-DE-GYFFORD,0 Wilts. G.C.B. (civil), 23 Feb. 1852. He m., 28 July 1828, at 3 Cumberland Place (by spec, lie), Julia Tomlinson, da. of George (Hay), 7th Marquess of Tweed- (*) J. H. Round points out that the true name of this place is Broughton GifFord. V.G.