Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 2.djvu/366

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350 EARLDOM III. BROWNLOW BARONY IV. -1867. 3 and 4. Adelbert Wellington Brownlow (Cust), (*) Earl Brownlow [18 15], Viscount Alford [18 1 5], and Baron Brownlow of Belton [1776], also a Baronet, only br. and h., b. 19 Aug. 1844, in Lowndes Str., Midx. Ed. at Eton; Lieut. Foot Guards 1863-66; M.P. (Conservative) for North Salop 1866-67; Lord Lieut, of co. Lincoln 1867; Eccles. Commissioneri872; Pari. Sec. to Local Gov. Board 1885-86; P.C. 12 July 1887; Paymaster Gen. 1887-89; Under Sec. of State for War 1889-92; Volunteer A.D.C., to the Queen 1897, and to Edward VII, and George V. Trustee of the Nat. Gallery i897.() He w., 22 June 1868, at Ford Castle, Northumberland, Adelaide, yst. da. of Henry John (Talbot), i8th Earl of Shrewsbury, by Sarah Elizabeth, da. of Henry (Beresford), 2nd Marquess of Waterford [I.]. She was h. 8 July i %.{^') Family Estates. — These in 1883, consisted of 20,233 acres in Salop; 11,652 in Lincolnshire; 11,785 in Bucks; 8,551 in Herts; 2,968 in Beds; 1,689 in the N.R. of Yorkshire; 920 in Durham; 536 in Berwick and I in Flint. Total 58,335 acres, valued at ^86,426 a year. Principal Residences. — Ashridge Park, near Berkhampstead, Herts, and Belton House, near Grantham, Lincolnshire. BROXMOUTH i.e. " Broxmouth," Viscountcy of [S.] (Ker), see " Roxburghe," Duke- dom of [S.], cr. 1707. BRUCE, see BRUS BRUCE OF KINLOSS and BARONY [S.] OF KINLOSSE I. Edward Bruce, 2nd s. of Sir Edward B.,of Blair- j_ 1604. h*^^ ^°- Clackmannan, by Alison, sister of Robert Reid, Bishop of Orkney, da. of William Reid, of Aikenhead, co. II. 1608. Clackmannan, was i>. 1548; at the Scottish Bar; one of the Commissaries of Edinburgh, 1583; Commendator of the Cistercian Abbey of Kinloss, co. Elgin. A Lord of Session, 1597- 1604. On 2 Feb. i6oi/2() he had, on his resignation, a charter of Kinloss, with the title of Free Baron and LORD KINLOSS [S.], with rem. (^) See note " b " on previous page. C") He is one of the numerous peers who have been directors of public companies. For a list of these (in 1896) see vol. v, Appendix C. V.G. (•=) " I hear of Adelaide Brownlow dining at the Gladstones in red velvet up to her chin, and a row of pearls, looking beautiful — a beautiful woman, the girl gone." (Lady Waterford, 10 Mar. 1876). V.G. C^) This date of creation is allowed in the decreet of Ranking (1606), where this Peerage is placed between "Loudoun" (cr. 30 June 1601) and " Abercorn " {cr. 5 Apr. 1603).