Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 2.djvu/372

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356 BRUN 2. Sir William le Bruyn, of South Ockendon, ^c, s. and h., aged 40 and more at his father's death. He m. Alice, da. and eventually coh. of Richard le Lager, or Lacier, of Bromley, Kent, citizen and mercer, twice Mayor of London, by Julian, his ist wife.(^) He d. 24 Feb. i36i/2.() His widow W2., before 12 July i365,(*) Sir Robert de Marny,("=) of Layer Marney, Essex, who was living 25 Sep. 1394. 3. Sir Ingram Bruyn, of South Ockendon, i^c., s. and h., b. 6 Dec. I353,at Titchfield, Hants, and i>ap. at Charkin that parish the same day.('^) He m. Elizabeth, elder da. of Sir Edmund de la Pole, some- time Captain of Calais, by his ist wife (to whom she was coh.), Elizabeth, yr. da. of Richard de Haudlo, and sister and coh., in her issue sole h., of Edmund de Haudlo, of Hadlow, Kent, Boarstall, Bucks, &c.{^) He d. 12 Aug. 1400,0 aged 46, and was i?ur. at South Ockendon. Brass. His widow, who was i^. 14 July 1362,(8) d. 14 Dec. 1403, aged 41. C") C) Cotton Charter, xxvii, 55. Cal. of JVilh, Court of Hustings vol. ii, p. 59. Close Rolls, 7-29 Edw. Ill, pluries. C") " Willelmus Bruyn chivaler." Writs of diem cl. ext. 8 Mar. 36 Edw. III. Inq., Kent, Essex, Hants, Dorset, 19, 26 Mar., 6 Apr., and Monday after Palm Sunday [11 Apr.], 1362. " Et dicunt quod idem Willelmus obiit xxiiij die Februarii uhimo preterito et quod Ingeramus filius predictorum Willelmi et Alicie est propinquior heres ipsorum et etatis octo annorum et amplius [viij° annorum ad festum Natalis domini proximo preteritum — co. Kent]." (Ch. Inq. p. m., Edw. Ill, file 168, no. 31 : Exch. Inq. p. m., I, file 20, no. 22). (■=) In the Scrope and Grosvenor controversy he deposed, 15 Oct. 1386, that he was 52 years of age ; but as he also stated that he was first armed at the first relief of Stirling (1336), he was more probably about 66. {^) "Ingelramus filius et heres Willelmi Bruyn chivaler." Writ de etate probanda 12 July 49 Edw. in England and 36 in France. Inq., Titchfield, I Sep. 1375. " idem Ingelramus fuit natus apud Tychefeld et in capella de Chark' infra parochiam de Tychfeld baptizatus in festo sancti Nicholai videlicet vj'" die Decembris anno regni Regis nunc xxvij." (Ch. Inq. p. m., Edw. Ill, file 249, no. 96). («) Ch. Inq. p. m. (on Edmund de Haudlo), Edw. Ill, file 140, no. 36: (on Edmund de la Pole), Hen. V, file 41, no 63, and Exch. Inq. p. ot., I, file 115, no. 2. (') " Ingelramus Bruyn chivaler." Writs, of diem cl. ext., ^c, 1 4 Aug. I Hen. IV. Inq., Essex, Dorset, Hants, Kent, 3, 10, 22 Sep., and Friday after the Nativity of the Virgin [lO Sep.] 1400. " Et dicunt quod predictus Ingelramus obiit duodecimo die Augusti proximo preterito Et quod Mauricius Bruyn est filius et propinquior heres predicti Ingelrami et etatis quatuordecim annorum et amplius." (Ch. Inq. p. m.. Hen. IV, file 7, no. 39: Exch. Inq. p. m., I, file 74, no. i, and Enrolments, no. 354)- (8) Entry in psalter belonging to Edmund de la Pole (MSS. of Ewelme Alms- house, A 4 — Hist. MSS. Com., 8th Report, Appendix, part i, p. 625). C*) " Elizabetha que fuit uxor Ingelrami Bruyn chivaler." Writs of melius sciri 20 Sep. 8 Hen. IV. Inq., Kent, Essex, Dorset, Hants, 21, 2i, 22, 22 Sep. 1407. " Et dicunt quod predicta Elizabetha obiit xiiij° die Decembris anno etc. vj'° [hV] Et dicunt quod predictus Mauricius Bruyn in festo Exaltacionis sancte Crucis ultimo preterito fuit etatis xxj"^ annorum." (Ch. Inq. p. m.. Hen. IV, file 58, no. 18: Exch. Inq. p. m., I, file 89, no. 15). Notwithstanding these findings, it is evident that Elizabeth was recently dead 23 Dec. 1403 [Patent Roll, 5 Hen. W,pars i, m. 13).