Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 2.djvu/388

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372 BUCCLEUCH and the only one not made by the Reigning Sovereign. Will pr. in London 30 Oct. i884,(^) the personalty in England being above ;^475,ooo, and in Scotland above ^435,000. Total above ;^9 10,000. His widow, who was b. 10 Apr. 181 1, and was Mistress of the Robes to the Queen from Sep. 1841 to July 1846, d. 18 Mar. 1895, at Ditton Park, Bucks, aged 83, and was bur. at Dalkeith. Will pr. at ;£ 1,901. DUKEDOM [S.] VI. EARLDOM [S.] IX. BARONY [S.] X, 6, 9 and 10. William Henry Walter (Montagu-Douglas-Scott), Duke of Buc- CLEUCH [1663], Duke of Queensberry, Mar- quess of Dumfriesshire [1682], Earl of V1884. BuccLEUcH [1619], Earl of Dalkeith [1663], ' ' Earl of Drumlanrig AND Sanquhar, Viscount of Nith, Torthorwald and Ross [1682], Lord Scott of Buccleuch [1606], Lord Scott of Whitchester and Eskdale [16 1 9 and 1663], and Lord Douglas of Kinmont, Mid- dlebie and Dornock [1682] [S.], also Earl of Doncaster and Baron Scott of Tindall [1663] [E.], s. and h., b. 9 Sep. 1 83 1, at Montagu House, Whitehall, Midx., ed. at Eton 1847, and matric. at Oxford (Ch. Ch.), 23 May 1850, being then styled Earl of Dalkeith. Was attached to a spec, mission to Russia, 1856; Lord Lieut, of co. Dum- fries, 1858; M.P. (Conservative) for Midlothian, 1853-68, and 1874-80. K.T. 5 Aug. 1875. P^'^s. of the Highland and Agric. Soc. 1886-87, 1895-96, and 1906-07; K.G. 7 Dec. 1897, on which occasion he resigned the Order of the Thistle ;() Capt. Gen. of the Royal Body Guard of Archers [S.] 1900; P.C. 10 Dec. I90i.('=) He w., 22 Nov. 1859, at St. Geo., Han. Sq., Louisa Jane, 3rd da. of James (Hamilton), ist Duke of Abercorn [I.], by Louisa Jane, da. of John (Russell), 6th Duke of Bedford. She, who was ^. 26 [.16] Aug. 1836, at Brighton; V. and A. 3rd class; Mistress of the Robes 1885-92, and again 1895; ^- ^^ Dalkeith, 16, and was bur. there 20 Mar. 19 12, aged 76. [Walter Henry Montagu-Douglas-Scott, styledY^AKL of Dalkeith, s. and h. ap., b, in Belgrave Sq. 17 Jan., and bap. 4 Mar. 1 861, at Westm. Abbey; ed. at Eton and at Ch. Ch. Oxford. Well-known (till 18 84 as Lord Eskdale) as a cricketer and a sportsman. He d. unm. and v.p., 18 Sep. 1886, being killed by the accidental discharge of his rifle while deer- (f) He left the estates at Ditton, in Bucks, ^c, to his widow for life, with rem. to his 2nd s., Henry John, on whom also he settled the Clitheroe estates in Lanca- shire, having previously settled on him the Beaulieu estates in Hants. These estates were all derived from the family of Montagu. Accordingly, on 29 Dec. 1885, the recipient was cr. Baron Montagu of Beaulieu, co. Southampton. See that title. (^) See vol. i, p. 16, note "d," for a list of Knights of the Thistle who have been nom. to the Garter, where, however, this Duke is by an oversight omitted. V.G. (^) He is one of the numerous peers who are or have been directors of public companies. For a list of these (in 1896) see vol. v. Appendix C. V.G.