Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 2.djvu/441

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BURGHCLERE 425 BURGHCLERE OF WALDEN BARONY. I. Herbert Colstoun Gardner, illeglt. s. of Alan J n Legge (Gardner), 3rd Baron Gardner of Uttoxeter, "^* by his 2nd wife, Julia Sarah Hayfield, da. of Edward E. T. FoRTEScuE. He was b. before wedlock, 9 June 1846; ed. at Harrow, and at Trin. Coll., Cambridge; M.A. 1872; was M.P. (Liberal) for North Essex, 1885-95; P.C. 25 Aug. 1892; President of the Board of Agriculture, 1892-95. On 3 Aug. 1895, he was cr. BARON BURGHCLERE (^) OF WALDEN, Essex, and introduced II Feb. 1896. C") Ecclesiastical Commissioner 1903; Chairman of the An- cient Monuments Commission. He »?., 4 Mar. 1890, at St. Peter's, Brigh- ton, Winifred Anne Henrietta Christiana, widow of Capt. the Hon. Alfred John George Byng, ist da. of Henry Howard Molyneux (Herbert), 4th Earl of Carnarvon, by his ist wife, Evelyn, da. of George Augustus Frederick (Stanhope), 6th Earl of Chesterfield. She was b. 2 July 1 864. Estates. — These, in 1883, were under 2,000 acres. Principal Residence. — Debden House, near Saffron Walden, Essex.('=) BURGHERSH BARONY BY i. Robert Burghersh, s. and h. of Reynold B.,('^) WRIT. of BurghershjC) Sussex, Chiddingstone, (^c, Kent, i^c, was Constable of Dover Castle, and Warden of the Cinque L 1303. Ports 1299 till his death. He was sum. to Pari, from 12 Nov. (1303) 31 Edw. I to 13 July (1305) 11 Edw. I, by writs directed Roberto de Burghersh., whereby he is held to have become LORD BURGHERSH.(«) Hera. Maud, sister of Bartholomew [ist Lord] Badlesmere, da. of Guncelin B., by Joan, da. of Ralph Fitz Bernard. She was living 2 Jan. 1305/6, but d. before (probably long before) 1345. He^. between 2 July and 8 Oct. 1306. (■*) This was one of the 4 Baronies conferred on the retirement of the Earl of Rosebery from the Premiership, as to which see note tub Wandsworth. Burghclere is the name of one of the properties of his wife's brother, the Earl of Carnarvon. <y) This was one of no less than 8 introductions, for a list of which see vol. i, p. 104, note "a." ('^) This is now (191 2) the property of Lord Strathcona, who is Lord of the Manor and principal landowner. V.G. () This Reynold sue. his elder br. John, who d. s.p. See Ch. Inq. p. m., 25 Edw. I, no. 126 {ex infirm. G. W. Watson). V.G. (^) This is Burwash, pronounced locally as Burrish. (*) As to how far these early writs of summons did in fact create any peerage title, see Appendix A in the last volume. V.G, ss