Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 2.djvu/443

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BURGHERSH 427 later times as the Black Prince) in nearly all his expeditions, fought at Poitiers 19 Sep. 1356, and was one of the most distinguished warriors of the age. He also made a journey into the Holy Land. He -/n., istly, before 10 May 1335, Cicely, da. and h. of Richard of Weyland, of whose age proof was then made, having livery of her lands. C") She was living Aug. 1354.C') He m., 2ndly, before Aug. 1366, Margaret, widow of ( — ) PiCHARD.(^) He d. 5 Apr. 1369. Will dat. the previous day, directing his burial to be at Walsingham. His widow m., 3rdly, as ist wife, William Burcestre, and d. i July 1393. V. 1369. 3. Elizabeth, according to modern doctrine, suo jure Baroness Burghersh, da. and h. by ist wife, aged 27 at her father's death. She w., before Dec. 1364, Edward Despenser [Lord le Despenser], who d. 11 Nov. 1375. She d. a widow, Aug. 1409. Will, calling herself Elizabeth de Burghersh, Dame le Despencer, dat. 4 July, and pr. 10 Aug. 1409. See fuller account under "Despenser," Barony. VL 1409. 4. Richard Despenser, de jure, apparently, Lord Burghersh, ("*) grandson and h., being s. and h. of Thomas, [Lord] le Despenser, sometime Earl of Gloucester {attainted, and beheaded 16 Jan. 1399/400), which Thomas was s. and h. ap. of Elizabeth, Baroness Burghersh abovenamed, but d. v.m. K.B. 8 Apr. 1413. He in., after 23 May 1412, when his marriage was granted,^ as a child (disp. dat. Auckland 13 Jan. 141 1/2), Eleanor, da. of Ralph (Nevill), Earl of Westmorland, by his 2nd wife, Joan de Beaufort, legitimated da. of John, of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster. He d. s.p., at Merton, Surrey, 7 Oct. 1414, aged 14, and was bur. (with his father) at Tewkesbury. His widow, who had livery of her dower i Feb. 1414/5, m. Henry (Percy), Earl of Northumberland, who d. 23 May 1455.0 Vn. 1414. 5. Isabel, according to modern doctrine, suo jure Baroness Burghersh, only surv. sister and sole h., being posthumous child of Thomas (Despenser), Earl of Gloucester, above- named, b. 26 July 1400, at Cardiff. She m., istly, 27 July 141 1, Richard (=>) Calendar of Close Rolls, 1333-1337, p. 393. C") Calendar of Papal Letters, vol. iii, pp. 528, 537. i^) Dugdale calls her "sister to Bartholomew, Lord Badlesmere" upon the authority of Glover's MS. Collections. If this be true, she was great-aunt to her second husband 1 V.G. (^) "In theAthol case (1764) it was held that if the attainted person died in the lifetime of the person in possession of the dignity, the attainted person's son could take." [Hewlett, p. 12). (*) Calendar of Patent Rolls, 1408-1413, p. 401. V.G. (*) He was one of the numerous relatives of Ralph, Earl of Westmorland, who sat together in the House of Lords. See note sub Westmorland; and for similar cases see note sub Boyle of Kinalmeaky.