Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 2.djvu/456

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440 BURTON 1909. At his death the Barony fr. in 1886 became M//«f/, while that cr. in 1897 passed under the spec. rem. to his only da., beforementioned, who is outside the scope of this work. Family Estates. — These, in 1883, consisted of 2,283 acres, valued at j^ 1 7,3 1 7 a year. Principal Residences. — Rangemore, near Burton-on-Trent; Glen Quoich, co. Inverness, and Chesterfield House, Mayfair, Midx. BURTON PYNSENT i.e. " Pitt of Burton Pynsent, co. Somerset," Viscountcy (P«//), see "Chatham," Earldom of, cr. 1766; extinct 1835. BURY (co. Lancaster) I.e. "Viscount Bury, co. Lancaster" (Keppel), see "Albemarle," Earldom, cr. 1697. BURY ST EDMUNDS See "Jermyn of St. Edmunds Bury, co. Suffolk," Barony {Jermyn), cr. 1643; extinct 1708. BUTE (county of) EARLDOM [S.] i. James Stuart, s. and h. of Sir Dugald S., Bart. [S.], of Bute,(^) by Elizabeth, da. of Sir John I. 1703. RuTHVEN, of Dunglass. He sue. his father in 1672, being then very young. In 168 1 he was active as Col. of Militia in quieting Argyllshire, then in confusion through the rebellion of its Earl. He was Sheriff of Tarbet, 1684; Sheriff of Argyllshire, 1686; admitted an Advocate, 1685. He concurred in the Revolution, was M.P. for CO. Bute 1 685-93, C") and 1702-03; P.C. [S.] to Queen Anne; and was one of the Commissioners to treat of the Union [S.] in 1702 (which did not then take effect). On 14 Apr. 1703, he was cr. EARL OF BUTE, VISCOUNT KINGARTH, LORD MOUNT STUART, CUMRA AND him says: "The outstanding features of his character were princely generosity, business acumen, public spirit, patriotism, and kindness of heart." He was one of the numerous peers who are or have been directors of public companies, for a list of whom (in 1896) see vol. v. Appendix C. V.G. (*) This Dugald was s. and h. of James Stewart, of Ardmoleish, in Bute, who was cr. a Baronet [S.] 28 Mar. 1627, being a great sufferer for his loyalty to his King, and who d. in 1662. His ancestor, John Stewart, was an illegit. s. of Robert II of Scotland, who, about 1385, erected the islands of Bute, Arane and Cumbrae into a county, conferring on him the office of Hereditary Sheriff thereof. C*) He vacated his seat by failing to take the oaths to William III. V.G.