Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 2.djvu/49

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BATTERSEA 33 Junior Lord of the Treasury, Feb. to July 1886, and was cr., 5 Sep. 1892, BARON BATTERSEA OF BATTERSEA, co. London ^ AND OF OVERSTRAND, Norfolk. He m., 22 Nov. 1877, Constance, ist da. and coh. of Sir Anthony de Rothschild, ist Bart., of Tring Park, Herts, by Louisa, da. of Abraham Montefiore. He d. s.p., of pneumonia, at the Pier Hotel, Ryde, Isle of Wight, 27 Nov., and was bur. 2 Dec. 1907, at Overstrand, aged 64, when the peerage became extinct. Will pr. over j^ 1 3 6,000 gross, net personalty nil. His widow living 1909. BATTLESDEN See " Bathurst of Battlesden, co. Bedford," Barony (Bathursi), cr. 1 712. BAVENTO I. Adam de B.vent,('=) of Cocking, Heene, Wiston, i^c, Sussex, s. and h. of Adam de B., by Ahce, da. and h. of William de Wis- teneston or Wiston, of Wiston and Heene. He was sum. to attend the King at Shrewsbury' () 28 June (1283) 11 Edw. I, by writ directed y^de de Bavent. He had a grant of free warren in his demesne lands in Sussex, Surrey, Kent, and Suffolk, i Aug. I285.(^) He w. Alice, da. and h. of Piers d'Escudamore, of Upton-, Norton-, and Fifield-Scuda- more, Wilts. He d. about 11 Nov. 1292.0 His widow d. shortly before 14 Oct. 1300.(8) BARONY BY 2. Roger de Bavent, of Cocking, (^c, Sussex, Norton- WRIT. and Fifield-Scudamore (now Fifield-Bavent), Wilts, s. and J h.(^) He was ^. 22 Mar. 1279/80,31 Wiston, and i-a;). ^ ^' there the same day. He proved his age 6 Oct. I30i.(') (*) See vol. i, p. 125, note "b." An advanced Liberal, ennobled on Gladstone's recommendation, and certainly not one of his most successful efforts to adorn the Upper House. He was one of the numerous peers who have been directors of public companies. For a list of these (in 1896) see vol. v, Appendix C. V.G. C") The re-writing of this article has been kindly undertaken by G. W. Watson. (') There was another family (or line) of Bavent, of Mareham, co. Lincoln, of which was Robert de Bavent, who has been confused by Dugdale and others with the Roger mentioned in the text. () As to this supposed Pari., see Preface : and as to how far these early writs of summons did in fact create any peerage title, see Appendix A in the last volume. V.G. (') Charter Roll, 13 Edw. I, m. 9. (') Writ of diem cl. ext. 5 Dec. {Fine Roll, 21 Edw. I, m. 26). Inq., Kent, Surrey, Sussex, 2 Jan. to 18 Feb. 1292/3. (Ch. Inq. p. m., Edw. I, file 64, no. 4: Exch. Inq. p. m., I, file 2, no. i). (8) Writ of diem cl. ext. 14 Oct. {Fine Roll, 28 Edw. I, m. 3). There is no inquisition extant. C") His arms were, Argent, a chief indented Sable. (') Ch. Inq. p. m., Edw. I, file 103, no. 165. 6