Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 2.djvu/559

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APPENDIX B 543 182, 152, 177) 148, 160, 183,155) 187. John (Tiptoft), Earl of Worcester. Norn. 2 1 Mar. " 1461/2 188. William, Lord Hastings. Nom. 21 Mar. 1461/2 189. John (Nevill), Lord Montagu, later Earl of North- umberland and Marquess Montagu. Nom. 21 Mar. 146 1/2 1 90. William, Lord Herbert, later Earl of Pembroke. Nom. 21 Mar. 146 1/2 191. Sir John Astley. Nom. 21 Mar. 146 1/2, d. circa. 1488 192. Ferdinando I, King of Naples. Nom. before 22 Apr. 1463; ^. 25 Jan. 1494 193. Galhard de Durfort, Seigneur de Duras. Nom. before 22 Apr. 1463, degraded 4 Nov. 1476, d. 1487 194. John, Lord Scrope of Bolton. Nom. before 22 Apr. 1463 195. Francesco Sforza, Duke of Milan. Nom. before 22 Apr. 1463, d. 8 Mar. 1466 196. James, Earl of Douglas [S.]. Nom. before 22 Apr. 1463 197. Sir Robert Harcourt. Nom. before 22 Apr. 1463, //. 14 Nov. 1470 198. Richard (Plantagenet), Duke of Gloucester, later Richard III, Sovereign. (163) Nom. before 4 Feb. 1465/6 199. Anthony (Wydville), Lord Scales, later Earl Rivers. (195) Nom. probably 27 Apr. 1466 200. Inico d'Avalos, Count of Montedorisio. (186) Nom. on or before 22 Apr. 1467; not inst.; vacated before Apr. 1472:^.2 Sep. 1484 201. Charles, Duke of Burgundy. (181) Inv. by special mission 4 Feb. 1469/70, d. 5 Jan. 1477 202. William (FitzAlan), Earl of Arundel. Nom. 24 Apr. 1472 203. John (Mowbray), Duke of Norfolk. Nom. 24 Apr. 1472 204. John (Stafford), Earl of Wiltshire. Nom. 24 Apr. 1472 205. Walter (Devereux), Lord Ferrers. Nom. 24 Apr. 1472 206. Walter (Blount), Lord Mountjoy. Nom. 24 Apr. 1472 207. John,LordHoward,later Duke of Norfolk. Nom. 24 Apr. 1472 ascendant. The Black Book itself says that the Chapter was held "at the entrance" {in ingressu) of the 39th year of Henry VI, which began I Sep. 1460, a few weeks after the Yorkist victory at Northampton, when Henry was taken prisoner. Probably "February" is a clerical error for "September." This is the view of Nicolas {Orders of Knighthocdy vol. i, pp. 87, 88), and it affords a satisfactory solution of the difficulty. {'■) Nicolas gives "before 22 Apr. 1462" as the date of nomination of the Knights Wf(i89,i87, 190,197, 200,169)