Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 2.djvu/637

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APPENDIX D 621 1746 1754 1756 1757 1762 1765 1766 1770 1782 1782 1783 1801 1806 1807 1812 1827 1828 1830. 1834 1834 Feb. 10- 1 Mar. 16 Nov. July May- July 16. 2. 29. 13- Aug. 2. Feb. 5. Mar. 30. July 13- Apr. 5. Mar. 17. Feb. II. Mar. 31. June 9. Sep. 5. Jan. 25. Nov. 22. July. 18. Nov. 21. 1835. Apr. il 1846. July 6 1852. Feb. 28 1853- Jan. I i8?S- Feb. 10 1858. Mar. I 1859. June 24 1865. Nov. 6 1866. July 12 1868. Feb. 29 1874. M ar. 2.William (Pulteney), Earl ofiBath Thomas (Pelham-Holles), Duke of Newcastle William (Cavendish), Duke of Devonshire Thomas (Pelham-Holles), Duke of Newcastle John (Stuart), Earl of Bute, till 15 Apr. 1763 Charles (Watson- Wentworth), Marquess of Rock- ingham Augustus (Fitz-Roy), Duke of Grafton (^) Frederick North, styled Lord North, afterwards Earl of Guilford Charles (Watson- Wentworth), Marquess of Rock- ingham, till his death July 1782 William (Petty), Earl of Shelburne, afterwards Marquess of Lansdowne William (Bentinck), Duke of Portland, till Dec. 1783 Henry Addington, afterwards Viscount Sidmouth, till May 1804 William, Lord Grenville William (Bentinck), Duke of Portland, till Oct, 1809 Robert (Jenkinson), Earl of Liverpool, till 30 Apr. 1827 (ceasing to act Feb. 1827) Frederick (Robinson), Earl of Ripon Arthur (Wellesley), Duke of Wellington Charles, Earl Grey William (Lamb), Viscount Melbourne Arthur (Wellesley), Duke of Wellington, till Dec. 1834 {pro tern, till Sir R. Peel's return to England) William (Lamb), Viscount Melbourne, till Sep. 1841 Lord John Russell, afterwards Earl Russell Edward (Stanley), Earl of Derby George (Gordon), Earl of Aberdeen Henry (Temple), Viscount Palmerston Edward (Stanley), Earl of Derby Henry (Temple), Viscount Palmerston, till his death 18 Oct. 1865 John, Earl Russell Edward (Stanley), Earl of Derby Benjamin Disraeli, afterwards Earl of Beaconsfield, till Dec. 1868 Do., do., till Apr. 1880 (*) He was only nominal Prime Minister till Chatham resigned the Privy Seal in 1768.