Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 2.djvu/673

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APPENDIX G 657 Shrewsbury, Earl of. Staffordshire. Charles (Talbot), afterwards Duke, Col. of a Regiment of Horse (raised against the Western insurrection), of which command also he was deprived. Somerset, Duke of Somersetshire and the East Riding of Yorkshire. Charles (Seymour), "The Proud Duke." He had been dismissed from his posts as a Lord of the Bedchamber, and Colonel of a Regiment (raised against the Western insurrection), shortly before. Thanet, Earl of. Cumberland and Westmorland. Thomas (Tufton), the 6th Earl. WiNCHiLSEA, Earl of. Kent. Heneage (Finch), the 3rd Earl. 84