Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/128

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io8 CATHCART 1804, in his 22nd year, of yellow fever, at Jamaica, when in command of H.M.S. "Clarinda."] EARLDOM AND VISCOUNTCY. II. BARONY [S.] XI. 2 and 1 1. Charles Murray (Cathcart), Earl Cathcart, Viscount Cathcart, fffc, also Lord Cathcart [S.], 2nd but ist [1843. surv. s. and h., b. 21 Dec. 1783, at Walton, Essex. Ed. at Eton. Entered the army 2 Mar. 1800; Major, 1807, serving as such in the Walcheren expedition in 1809; Lieut. Col. 1 8 10, serving as such in the Peninsula; was at the battle of Barossa (gold medal) 6 Apr. 18 12, of Salamanca and of Vittoria, being, 1814-43, ^lyi^d Lord Greenock. Was for many years (1807 and 1814-23) an Assistant Quarter Master Gen., though not at headquarters. Had 3 horses shot under him at the battle of Waterloo (medal), 1 8 1 5 ; C.B. 4 June 1 8 1 5 ; Knight of St. Vladimir of Russia 2 1 Aug. 18 15; Knight of Wilhelm of the Netherlands Oct. 18 15; Col. in the army 1819, Major Gen. 1830, Lieut. Gen. 1841, and finally Gen. 1854. Lieut. Col. of the Royal Staff Corps at Hythe 1823-30; Com. of the Forces in Scotland and Gov. of Edinburgh Castle 1837-42. K.C.B. 19 July 1838. Com. in Chief in Canada 1845-47; Gov. Gen. of Canada 1846; Com. of the Northern and Midland district of England 1 849-54. He was also Col. of the I ith Hussars 1842-47; of the 3rd regt. of Dragoon Guards 1847-51, and of the ist regt. of Dragoon Guards 1851 till his death. G.C.B. 21 June 1859. A Conservative. He m., 30 Sep. 1818, in France, at the Chateau de Denacre, Boulogne, and again at Portsea, 12 Feb. 18 19, Henrietta, 2nd da. of Thomas Mather. He d. 16 July 1859, at St. Leonards on Sea, aged 75. (^) Will pr. 10 Oct. 1859, under ;f 5,000 [U.K.]. His widow d. 24 June 1872, aged 71, at Inch House, Edinburgh. Will pr. 29 Aug. 1872, under ;^ 16,000. EARLDOM AND VISCOUNTCY. III. BARONY [S.] XII. 3 and 12. Alan Frederick. (Cathcart), Earl Cathcart [18 14], Viscount Cath- cart and Baron Greenock [1807], also 1-1859. Lord Cathcart [1460.] in Scotland, 2nd,() but 1st surv. s. and h., b. 15 Nov. 1828, at Hythe, Kent; ed. at the Scottish Military Academy; 2nd Lieut. 23rd Foot 1845, "^t Lieut. 1848; retired 1850. Aide-de-Camp to his father 1849-50; Chairman of Quarter Sessions in the North Riding 1858-68. LL.D. Cambridge. Pres. of the Agric. Soc. 1873. A Con- servative. He m.. 2 Apr. 1850, at Thornton le Street, co. York, (*) He was the author of several papers on Geology and kindred subjects, and discovered a new mineral, called after him Greenockite. (•>) An elder br., Charles, was b. at Hythe 23 Nov. 1824, and d. 1 1 Nov. 1825.