Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/171

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CHAUNDOS 151 (2) Alice (aged 26 and more in 1405, J. 12 May I4i4),(^) who ;«., istly, as 2nd wife, Thomas Brugge, of Haresfield and Matson, co. Gloucester, who d. 7 Apr. 1408 ;(") she w;., 2ndly (pardon for marrying without licence] 3 July i4o8),(^) as 3rd wife, John Browning, of Leigh (near Deerhurst), CO. Gloucester, who d. 6 Feb. 141 5/6. C^) 4. Giles Brugge, of Cubberley, Stoke Archer, lofc, s. of Thomas Brugge and Alice (Berkeley) abovenamed, h. to his mother, but not to his father, b. and bap. at Haresfield, 21 Dec. 1396.0 Sheriff of co. Gloucester, 1429/30-30 and 1453-54. Knight of the Shire for co. Gloucester, H30/I) and 1455. In Feb. 1457/8, on the death of his cousin, Robert Mattesdon, he became dejure{^) Lord Chaundos. He m. Katherine, widow of Reynold Gyse, of Elmore, co. Gloucester (living 28 Oct. 1420), and da. of James Clifford, of Frampton in that co. He d. 13 Apr. 1467,(0 aged 70. 5. Thomas Brugge or a Bruggis, of Cubberley, i^c., s. and h., aged 40 and more at his father's death. Knight of the Shire for co. (') "Alicia que fuit uxor Johannis Brounyng' armigeri." Writs of diem d. ext. 14 May 2 Hen. V. Inq., cos. Gloucester, Worcester, Oxford, the vigil of the Trinity, the vigil of and Saturday after Corpus Chrisii [2, 6, 9 June], 1414. " Et dicunt quod predicta AHcia obiit die sabati proximo ante festum Asiencionis domini anno supra- dicto Et ulterius dicunt quod Egidius Brugge filius predictorum Thome et Alicie est heres ejus propinquior et est etatis septemdeccm annorum et amplius." (Ch. Inq. p. m.. Hen. V, file 6, no. 7: Exch. Inq. p. rn., I, file 102, no. 10). C") "Thomas Brugge." Writ of diem cl. ext. 2 May 9 Hen. IV. Inq., co. Gloucester, Monday after St. Denis [15 Oct.] 1408. " Et dicunt quod predictus Thomas Brugge obiit die sabbati in vigilia dominice in Ramis Palmarum ultimo preterita predicta Alicia uxore ejus ad hue superstite Et dicunt quod Ed'us filius predict! Thome Brugge est heres ejus propinquior et etatis viginti trium annorum et amplius." (Ch. Inq. p. w., Hen. IV, file 66, no. 22: Exch. Inq. p. m., I, file 93, no. 7). (') Patent Roll, 9 Hen. IV , purs 2, m. 17. ("^) "Johannes Browenyng'." Writ of diem cl. ext. 6 Feb. [j/V] 3 Hen. V. Inq., CO. Gloucester, Saturday after St. Matthias [29 Feb.] 141 5/6. "Johannes Browenyng' obiit die Jovis proximo post festum Purificacionis beate Marie ultimo preteritum." (Ch. Inq. p. m.. Hen. V, file II, no. 8: Exch. Inq. p. ?«., I, file 104, no. 9). (') " Egidius Brugge filius et heres Alicie que fuit uxor Johannis Brounyng' armigeri defuncti." Writ de etatc probanda 6 June 6 Hen. V. Inq., Tewkesbury, Monday after St. John the Baptist [27 June] 1418 . . . "predictus Egidius est etatis xxj annorum et amplius . . . natus fuit apud Hasfeld' . . . in . . . festo sancti Thome prefato anno etc. Regis Ricardi [vicesimo] et eodem die baptizatus fuit in ecclesia de Hasfeld'." (Ch. Inq. p. m., Hen. V, file 35, no. 57). According to modern doctrine only. He himself had no idea of it. (8) "Egidius Brugge." Writ of diem cl. ext. 27 Apr. 7 Edw. IV. Inq., co. Gloucester, Wednesday the vigil of the Ascension [6 May] 1467. " Et quod idem Egidius Brugge obiit terciodecimo die Aprilis ultimo preterito Et quod Thomas Brugge est filius et heres predict! Egidii propinquior et est etatis quadraginta annorum et amplius." (Ch. Inq. p. ?«., Edw, IV^, file 23, no. 15).