Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/180

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i6o CHERLETON CHEPPING WYCOMBE i.e. "Wendover of Chepping Wycombe, Bucks," Viscountcy (^Car- rington), cr. i6 July 1895, with the Earldom of Carrington, which see. CHEPSTOW i.e. "Herbert of Rag land, Chepstow and Gower," Barony (Somerset); a dignity said to have been cr. by patent 26 Nov. i5o6.(^) See "Worcester," Earldom of, cr. 15 14. CHERLETON or CH ARLETON (of Powis)^ BARONY BY i. John Cherleton, s. and h. of Robert C, of WRIT. Cherleton, in Wrockwardine, co. Salop, in right of his y wife became possessed of the Lordship of Powis, and •^ •^' other large estates in North Wales, and though such right was hotly contested by her uncles, the heirs male, it was confirmed to him by Royal Charter (13 13-14) 7 Edw. II. From 26 July (13 13) 7 Edw. II to 25 July (1353) 27 Edw. Ill, he was sum. to Pari, by writs directed Johanni de Cherleton, whereby he is held to have become LORD CHERLETON.(') These writs from 25 Aug. (1338) 12 Edw. Ill to 30 July (1346) 20 Edw. Ill bore the addition Seniori.i^') Chamberlain to Edward II in and before 1314; Constable of Builth Castle, co. Brecon 13 13/4. In 13 19 he was required to raise 500 soldiers '■'■ de terris suis de Powys" and was subsequently engaged in the wars with France. He joined in the rebellion of Thomas, Earl of Lancaster, 1321/2, but was pardoned II Sep. 1322. Ch. Gov. of Ireland, under the style of Justiciar, 1337-38. He m., in 1309, before 26 Aug. (she being aged 19, July 13 10), by the gift of Edward II, Hawyse {Gadarn, i.e. the Hardy), sister and h. (1309) of Griffin ap Owen, otherwise de la Pole,() only da. of Owen ap Griffith, Prince of Upper Powys, by Joan, da. of Sir Robert Corbet, of Moreton Corbet, co. Salop. She was living Aug. 1345, but d. before him, and was bur. in the Grey Friars, at Shrewsbury, which she had founded. He d. (1353) 27 Edw. Ill, aged 85, and was also bur. there. (^) " No enrolment of this patent, nor any Privy Seal nor signed Bill (among the Chancery series) has been found bearing on the creation." See Creations, 1483- 1646, in App., 47th rep. D.K. Pub. Records. C") For a brief account of the feudal Barons of Powys, see infra, under "PowYS." if) As to how far these early writs of summons did in fact create any peerage title, see Appendix A in the last volume. V.G. If) There is proof in the rolls of Pari, of his sitting. (*■) So named from his residence at Pole, now Welsh Pool, co. Montgomery.