Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/228

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2o8 CHURCHILL CHURCHILL OF WHICHWOOD BARONY. I. Lord Francis Almeric Spencer, 2nd s. of George (Spencer), Duke of Marlborough, by Caroline, da. of I. 1815. John (Russell), Duke OF Bedford, i". 26 Dec. 1779, and bap. 26 Jan. 1780, at St. Martin's-In-the-Fields; matric. at Oxford (Ch. Ch.) 20 Feb. 1797, being cr. D.C.L., 15 June 1803; M.P. (Tory) for Oxon (in 4 parls.), 1801-15. He was, 11 Aug. 1815, cr. BARON CHURCHILL OF WHICHWOOD [WYCHWOOD], co. Oxford. F.R.S. 10 Dec. 1818. He ;«., 25 Nov. 1801, at Euston, Frances, da. of Augustus Henry (Fitzroy), 3rd Duke of Grafton, by his 2nd wife, Elizabeth, da. of Sir Richard Wrottesley, Bart. He d. at Brighton, 10 Mar. 1845, aged 6^. Will dat. 20 Dec. 1844, pr. 26 Apr. 1845, under

^ 1 2,000. His widow, who was b. i June 1780, d. 7 Jan. 1866, at the

Ranger's Lodge, near Charlbury, Oxon, aged 85. II. 1845. 2, Francis George (Spencer), Baron Churchill OF Whichwood, 1st s. and h., b. 6 Oct. 1802, at Blenheim, Oxon. Ed. at Harrow school; matric. at Oxford (Ch. Ch.), 10 Apr. 1821, being cr. D.C.L., 11 June 1834; Attach^ at Vienna, 1823-28; at Lisbon, i828.(^) He w., 19 May 1849, "^^ Bifrons, Kent, Jane,() ist da. of Francis Nathaniel (Conyngham), 2nd Marquess Conyngham [I.], by Jane, da. of Henry William (Paget), ist Marquess of Anglesey. He d. 24 Nov. 1886, at 32 Albemarle Str., Midx., aged 84. Admon. 12 Aug. 1887, above

^9,900. His widow, who was b. i June 1826, in Gt. Stanhope Str., was

Lady of the Bedchamber, 1854 till her death. V.A., 3rd Class. She d. suddenly, at Osborne, being found dead in her bed, 24, and was bur. 29 Dec. 1900, at Finstock, Oxon.() Will pr. gross, over ;^i2,ooo, net over ;^6,ooo. III. 1886. 3 and I. Victor Albert Francis Charles (Spencer), Baron Churchill of Whichwood, only VISCOUNTCY. s. and h., b. 23 Oct. 1 864, in Albemarle Str., the Queen I TQ02 being one of his sponsors. Page of Honour, 1876-81 ; " ' Lieut. Coldstream Guards. A Lord in Waiting (Conservative) 1889-92, and 1895-1905; K.C.V.O. 24 May 1900; G.C.V.O. 19 Nov. 1902. He was cr., 14 July 1902, VISCOUNT CHURCHILL.C') Chairman of the G.W.R. 1908. He (') He was at first a Conservative, but followed Peel in his tergiversation about the Corn Laws, and afterwards became a Liberal. V.G. (^) "With many other attractions and accomplishments, Lady Churchill is a perfect horsewoman, and she was truly bonne a voir in those days on her favourite chestnut hack." (Sir Horace Rumbold's Recollections). V.G. (°) The shock of her death is supposed to have accelerated that of Queen Victoria. (^) This was one of the Coronation Peerages of Edward VII, for a list of which see vol. ii. Appendix F.