Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/260

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240 CLANWILLIAM EARLDOM 2. Richard (Meade), Earl of Clanwilliam, AND £ffc. [I.], 1st s. and h., b. lo May 1766. He w., VISCOUNTCY [I.] istly, at Schuschitz, in Bohemia, 6 Oct. 1793, „ Caroline, 3rd da. of Joseph, Count of Thun, in Bohemia, by Wilhelmina, Countess of Ulfeld. She d. at Vienna, in childbed, 8 Aug. 1800. He w., 2ndly, at Vienna, 6 July 1803 or 1805, Margaret Irene, widow of Molyneux (Shuldham), Baron Shuldham [I.], and before that of John Harcourt, of Ankerwyke in Wraysbury, Bucks, da. of John Sarney, of Somerset House, Midx. He d. at Vienna, 3 Sep. 1805, aged 39. Will pr. in Ireland 1806. His widow ^.22 Feb. 1 8 1 1, on her estate at Silberg, in Carinthia. Admon. Apr. 1 8 12 and Sep. 18 13. III. 1805. 3 and I. Richard Charles Francis Christian (Meade), Earl of Clanwilliam, i^c. [I.], only s. and BARONY [U.K.] h. by ist wife, b. at Dublin 15, and bap. 25 Aug. - I795> at St. Anne's there; ed. at Eton, 18 11; entered ^ ■ the Diplomatic Service and was attached to the suite of Lord Castlereagh at the Congress of Vienna, in 18 14, being Private Sec. to him at the Foreign Office 18 17-19; Under Sec. of State for Foreign Affairs, 1822-23; Envoy to the Court of Berlin, 1823-27; G.C.H., 1826. On 28 Jan. 1828, being a ToryjC') he was cr. BARON CLANWILLIAM of co. Tipperary [U.K.]; D.C.L. Oxford, 1 1 June 1834; Capt. of Deal Castle, 1848-79. He w., 5 July 1830, at St. Geo., Han. Sq., Elizabeth, 4th da. of George Augustus (Herbert), i ith Earl of Pembroke, by his 2nd wife, Catherine, da. of Simon, Count Woronzow, in Russia. She, who was b. 31 Mar. 1809, d. 20 Sep. 1858, at Taynuilt, co. Argyll, and was bur. at Wilton, Wilts.() Admon. 13 Nov. 1858, under ;r 14,000 [E.]. He d. 7 Oct. 1 879, at 32 Belgrave Sq., Midx., aged 84.('=) (*) He followed Wellington when he changed his policy in favour of Cath. emancipation. V.G. (•>) Henry Greville writes that he " never met with a more frank, open- hearted woman, one more full of sympathy " and taking " interest in many things which women in general do not care for." [ex inform. Bright Brown). V.G. (■=) In Rush's Diary of the Court of London from 1819 to 1825, there are many notices of his early career. G.E.C. He took an active part in forming the Goderich administration. Harriet, Countess Granville, describes him in 1820 as " in love with nobody, and feeling therefore like a servant out of place or a tradesman out of employ- ment;" and in 1829 says, " If I was asked what he was and not knowing names and relations, I should say an only son, idolized and spoilt by his doating parents and devoted sisters." Lord Ronald Gower, in his Reminiscences says he was "as handsome at 70 as when Lawrence painted him forty years before, and full of the charm of high spirits that not even old age could quench." V.G.