Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/306

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286 CLEVELAND his succession to the Dukedom, he, by royal lie, 4 Mar. 1864, resumed his patronymic of Vane. He ;»., 3 July 18 15, at St. Geo., Han. Sq., Grace Caroline, 5th and yst. da. of William (Lowther), Earl of Lons- dale, by Augusta, da. of John (Fane), 9th Earl of Westmorland. He d. s.p., at Raby Castle, 6, and was bur. 13 Sep. 1864, in St. Mary's, Staincross, Durham, in his 73rd year. Will pr. 29 Oct. 1864, under

^i8o,ooo. His widow, who was b. 17 Feb. 1792, d. i Nov. 1883,

aged 91, at Osterley Park, Midx.(^) Will pr. 31 Dec. 1883, over


DUKEDOM VII. MARQUESSATE IV. 4. Harry George (Vane, nftei-wards r,. Powlett), Dure of Cleveland [1833], ^ Marquess of Cleveland [1827], Earl of n Darlington [1754], Viscount Barnard " ' of Barnard's Castle [1754], Baron Bar- nard OF Barnard's Castle [1699], and Baron Raby, of Raby Castle [1833], yst. and only surv. br. (of the whole blood) and h., b. 19 Apr. 1803; matric. at Oxford (Oriel Coll.), 12 Feb. 1821, B.A. (Grand Compounder), 19 Feb. 1829. Attache to the Embassy at Paris, 1829; Sec. of legation at Stockholm, 1839-41; M.P. (Liberal) for South Durham, 1841-59, and for Hastings, i859-64.() Shortly after his succession to the Dukedom, he, by royal lie, 18 Nov. 1864, took the name of Powlett in lieu of that of Vcine, under the will of his maternal grandmother, the Duchess of Bolton. K.G., 10 Apr. 1865; Hon. D.C.L., Oxford, 21 June 1876; Hon. D.C.L., Durham, 27 June 1882. He ;»., 2 Aug. 1854, at Chevening, Kent, Catherine Lucy Wilhelmina, widow of Archibald Prim- rose, styled Lord Dalmeny, da. of Philip Henry (Stanhope), 4th Earl Stanhope, by Catherine Lucy, da. of Robert (Smith), ist Baron Carrington of Upton. He d. s.p., 21 Aug. 1891, at Cleveland House, 16 St. James's Sq., aged 88, when all his honours, except the Barony of Barnard [1699], became extinct. Will pr. at ^^1,440,889. His widow, who was b. I June 18 19, d. suddenly, of heart failure, at Wiesbaden, 18, and was bur. 24 May 1 901, at Staindrop.("=) Will dat. 10 Oct. 1 891 to 8 Feb. 1895, ?■"• June 1901, gross over ;^i 19,000, net over ;^i 18,000. (*) " She was agreeable, and on the whole, kind, but she was very sarcastic and intolerant; and on the slightest deviation from what she considered the laws of good society, she never scrupled to give her opinion, and that in a very unpleasant man- ner." {Memories of Fifty Tears, by Lady St. Helier, 1909, p. 96). Sir Horace Rumbold says {Recollections) she was " kindness itself to those who were so fortunate as to be in her good graces, and the truest and most unflinching of friends." V.G. C") Unlike his 2 elder brothers and predecessors in title he remained constant to the politics of his youth. V.G. (') Her work on The Battle Abbe< Roll {i8S^), in 3 vols., is agreeably written and contains much interesting family history. But its whole basis, as an attempt to vindicate the Roll, is wrong, and its acceptance of the statements in The Norman People disastrous. It was doubtless due to her interest in the family history that the