Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/315

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CLIFFORD 295 1523, aged about yo-C) His widow ;«., 3rdly, Richard Grey, yr. s. of Thomas, ist Marquess of Dorset. 5 " •;? m S f" re ^ > n ■+' ' ^ • W n n o c 3 S o £ "^ -' - o- ^ 2 ^ 9 0-, S XI. 1523. II. Henry (Clifford), Lord Clifford, s. " and h. by ist wife, L 1493. On 18 June 1525 he, as "Henry Clyfford, Knt.,Lord CIvfford, Westmoreland C") and Vescy," was cr. EARL OF CUMBERLAND. He ^. 22 Apr. 1542. Xn. 1542. 12. Henry (Clifford), Earl ofCumberland and Lord Clifford, s. and h., l>. 1517. He d. 2 Jan. 1569/70. XIIL 1570. 13. George(Clifford),EarlofCumberland and Lord Clifford, s. and h., L 8 Aug. 1558. He d. s.p.m.s., 29 Oct. 1605, and was sue. by his br. and h. mn/e in the Earldom of Cumberland, but, de Jure, by his da. and h. (general) in the Barony of Clifford. (") [Francis Clifford, sty/ed Lord Clifford, ist s. and h. ap.,d. in boy- hood, early in Dec. 1589, at Skipton Castle.] [Robert Clifford, sly/ed Lord Clifford, yr. of the two, but ist surv. s. and h. ap., I?, at North Hall, Herts. He d. there young, 24 May 1591.] XIV. 1605 14. Anne C^) (d'(?_;«rc'), j«o_/Krc', Baroness Clifford,() to only da. and h. of the 3rd Earl of Cumberland, 13th Lord 1676. Clifford, by Margaret, da. of Francis (Russell), Earl of Bedford, was L at Skipton Castle, 30 Jan., and Ipap. 22 Feb. 1589/90, in Skipton church. She ;«., istly, 25 Feb. 1608/9, ^t her mother's house in Austin Friars, London, Richard (Sackville), 3rd Earl OF Dorset, who .2'. 28 Mar., and was bur. 7 Apr. 1624, at Withyam, Sussex. She ;«., 2ndly, as his 2nd wife, 3 June 1630, at Chenies, Bucks, Philip (Herbert), Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery, by whom she had no surv. issue, and who d. 23 Jan. i649/50.(*) As early as 1628 (in which year (*) In Letters and Papers Hen. Fill, vol. iv, part i, p. 92, is a letter from Richard Bank to Lord Darcy, dat. 5 Apr. and catalogued [? wrongly] 1524, in which the writer states that he has been " requested by the young Lord Clifford to be at his father's burial." V.G. (*) It is not to be argued from his being thus designated that he had peerage dignities of these names. See preceding p., note " b." 1^) According to the decision of 12 Dec. 1691, whereby the Barony was allowed to Thomas, Earl of Thanet, her grandson and heir. {^) She was doubtless so named after her mother's sister, Lady Anne Russell, widow of Ambrose (Dudley), Earl of Warwick. Her godfather was Philip (Wharton), Lord Wharton, who had married her maternal aunt, Lady Frances Clifford. See "A true Memoriall of the Life of Lady Ann Clifford" in the York vol. of the Proceedings Archaol. Inst., 1 846. (*) "On the 18 Dec. 1634 by reason of some discontent, she left Whitehall to live at Baynard's Castle, in London, where and at the houses at Wilton and Ramsbury, she continued during the time of his [her second husband's] life." {Memoriall).