Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/317

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CLIFFORD 297 Will (one of great interest), in which she styles herself "Countess Dowager of Pembroke, Dorsett and Montgomery, by birth Baroness Clifford, Westmorland and Vesey, High Sheriffess of co. Westmorland," dat. i May 1674, pr. 3 Apr. 1676. XV. 1678. 15. Nicholas (Tufton), Earl of Thanet and Baron Tufton, s. and h. of John, 2nd Earl OF Thanet, by Margaret, ist da. and coh. of Richard (Sackville), 3rd Earl of Dorset, by Anne, suo jure Baroness Clifford above- named, became on 14 Oct. 1678, by the death s.p. of his cousin Lady Alethea HungerfordQ (only surv. issue of Isabella, 2nd and yst. da. and coh. of the said Baroness Clifford), the sole represen- tative of his said grandmother, and was as such de jure LORD CLIFFORD-C) He was b. 7 Aug. 1631 aiad d. s.p., 24 Nov. 1679. XVL 1679. 16. John (Tufton), Earl of Thanet, ^c. and, de jure. Lord ClifforDjC") br. and h. He was b. 7 Aug. 1638, and d. unm. 27 Apr. 1680. XVn. 1680. 17. Richard (Tufton), Earl OF Thanet, i^c, and de jure Lord ClifforDjC") br. and h. He was b. 30 May 1640, and d. unm. 8 Mar. 1684. XVin. 1684 18. Thomas (Tufton), Earl of Thanet, iffc, to and de jure Lord Clifford,() br. and h. He 1729. was b. 30 Aug. 1644. The House of Lords, on 12 Dec. 1 69 1, resolved that he was "the right heir to Robert de Clifford, first sum. to Pari. 29 Dec. (1299) 28 Edw. I as Lord de Clifford, and that the said title of LORD DE CLIFFORD doth belong to him and his heirs."(=) He d. s.p.m.s.y 30 July 1729, when the Barony of Clifford for the second time fell into abeyance, the Earldom of Thanet, <yc., devolving on Sackville Tufton, his nephew and h. male.i^') m n a 2^ c n T »3 n

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n 3 p- n ■-t r-^ 3- (D Mar. 1675 i.e. 1675/6]. The office continued to be hereditary till the death of the last Earl of Thanet, i.e. from 1291 to 1849. ^'^^ noxs. sub the said last Earl, and note "d" below. V.G. (') See note " c " on previous page. () According to the decision as to this Barony, on 12 Dec. 1691. Until that decision, however, none of these Earls appear to have used this title. ("=) As to this decision, and that in the case of Clifton, seventeen years earlier, see vol. iv. Appendix H. {^) The hereditary Shrievalty of Westmorland, and most of the Clifford estates passed to the heir male, the 7th Earl of Thanet. J. H. Round points out that this hereditary shrievalty was bestowed by King John on Robert de Vipont and "his heirs," 38