Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/326

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3o6 CLIFFORD of Marmaduke (Langdale), 5th Baron Langdale of Holme, by Con- stantia, da. of Sir John Smythe, 3rd Bart., of Eshe. He d. s.p.^ 15 Jan. 1793, at Munich,(^) and was bur. at the chapel of the Jesuits' College there, aged 36. M.I. Will, as " Hugh, Lord Clifford," signed "Clifford," made at Rome 13 June 1792, pr. (from a copy) 16 July 1802. His widow d. 3 1 Dec. 1 8 1 5, aged 60, and was bur. at Hazlewood, near Leeds. Admon. Jan. 18 16. VL 1793. 6. Charles (Clifford), Baron Clifford of Chud- LEiGH, next br. and h., b. 28 Nov. 1759, in Jermyn Str., Midx. Ed. at the colleges of Douay, St. Omer, Bruges, and Liege. F.S.A. 27 Feb. 1794. He m. (settl. 28 Nov.), 29 Nov." i786,() at her father's house, St. Geo., Han. Sq., Eleanor Mary, 2nd da. and coh. of Henry (Arundell), 8th Baron Arundell of Wardour, by Maria Christina, only da. and h. of Benedict Conquest, of Irnham Hall, CO. Lincoln. (') He d. 29 Apr. 1831, aged 71, at Ugbrooke Park. Will pr. Sep. 1831. His widow, who was b. 20 Mar. 1766, at Wardour Castle, W^ilts, d. 24 Nov. 1835, at Spetisbury Convent, Dorset, aged 69, and was bur. at Ugbrooke. Will pr. May 1836. VIL 1 83 1. 7. Hugh Charles (Clifford), Baron Clifford of Chudleigh, 1st s. and h., b. 29 May 1790, at New Park, Somerset; ed. at the Roman Catholic College of Stony hurst, co. Lancaster. Took his seat in the House of Lords, i83i.(^) He m., i Sep. 18 18, at Paris, and again Jan. 18 19, at Ugbrooke, his 2nd cousin, Mary Lucy, only da. and h. of Thomas Weld,(^) of Lulworth Castle, Dorset, by Lucy, da. of the Hon. Thomas Clifford, yr. s. of Hugh, Baron Clifford of Chudleigh abovenamed. She, who was b. 31 Jan. 1799, at Upway, Dorset, 1^. 15 May 1831, in her 32nd year, near Rome. He d. of a wound in the ankle, at Rome, where he had long been resident, 28 Feb., (*) " His long residence abroad, and the adherence of the family to the Catholic persuasion, whereby they are kept from Pari., have prevented their being much known, but [adds naively the Annual Register for 1 793] their estates are ample." ■ (*") "A very pleasing young man of a most unexceptionable character. . . . Miss Arundell is tall and pretty, but has that same gawky stoop that she had when she was a girl." (Lady Jerningham, 23 Mar. 1786). V.G. ("') In consequence of this match with the coh. of a man who was a Count of the Holy Roman Empire, the Lords Clifford have claimed, since 24 Nov. 1835, to enjoy that honour, but there can be little doubt that though the afsd. coh. was herself entitled to, she was incapable of transmitting, it. See note sub John, Duke of Marl- borough [1702]. V.G. {^) He was the first of his line who, since the disabling act of 1 678, had done so. He was a Liberal and voted for the Repeal of the Corn Laws. V.G. (') He was s. and h. of Thomas Weld, the founder of the Jesuits' College at Stony hurst, co. Lancaster. He sue. his father in 18 10, and having lost his wife in 1815, became a Priest, a Bishop, and finally, 1 830, a Cardinal in the Rom. Catholic Church, being the first Englishman who attained that honour since Cardinal Howard in the time of Clement X (1675). He ei. s.p.m., 10 Apr. 1837, aged 64.