Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/35

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CARDIGAN 15 P.C. 5 June 1776, and Gov. to the Prince of Wales and Prince Frederick, 1776-80. Master of" the Horse, 1780 till his death; F.S.A. i Apr. 1784. On 21 Aug. 1786, havina; no male issue surviving, he was cr. BARON MONTAGU OF BOUGHTON, co. Northampton, for life, with a spec, rem. in favour of the yr. sons of his da. Elizabeth, Duchess of Buccleuch [S.]. Lord Lieut, of co. Huntingdon, 1789 till his death. He m., 7 July 1730, at St. Giles's-in-the-Fields, Mary, the only child that had issue of John (Montagu), Duke of Montagu, by Mary, da. of the famous John (Churchill), Duke of Marlborough. She d. i, and was bur. 16 May 1775, at Walton, Northants, aged 64. Will pr. May 1775. He d. 23 May 1790, i.p.m.s., aged 77, at his house in Privy Gardens,(^) when the Mar- quessate of Monthermer and Dukedom of Montagu [1766] became extinct, the Barony of Montagu of Boughton [1786] devolving on his grandson, according to the spec. rem. in its creation, while such honours as he had inherited devolved on his br. and h. male, as stated below. Will pr. June 1790.C') [John Brudenell, ajterwards (1749) Montagu, 5/7/^^/(1735-62), Lord Brudenell, only s. and h. ap., b. 18 Mar. ij^^./^, in Albemarle Str., St. Geo., Han. Sq., Midx. M.P. (Tory) for Marlborough 1761-62. On 8 May 1762 he was cr. BARON MONTAGU OF BOUGHTON, co. Northampton. From 5 Nov. 1766 (the date of his father's elevation to the Dukedom) he was styled Marquess of Monthermer. He d. unm., v.p., II, and was bur. 23 Apr. 1770, at Walton afsd., aged 35, when his Peerage [1762] became extinct.{f) Admon. 26 May 1770.] V. 1790. 5. James (Brudenell), Earl of Cardigan [1661], Baron Brudenell of Stonton [1628], and Baron Brudenell of Deene [1780], br. and h. male; b. 20 Apr. 1725, in London; ed. at Winchester 1736; matric. at Oxford (Oriel Coll.) 6 Apr. 1743, B.A., 1747. He was M.P. (Tory) for Shaftesbury, 1754-61 ; for Hastings, 1761-68; for Great Bedwin, Mar. to Nov. 1768, and for Marlborough, 1768-80. Dep. Cofferer to the Household, 1755-60; Keeper of the Privy Purse to the Prince of Wales, as also 1760 till his death, to the King; Master of the Robes to the Prince of Wales 1758-60, and Earl of Cardigan, however, objected to such limitation, and though he afterwards ob- tained the Dukedom free therefrom, it was not till a few weeks after the advancement of Northumberland, who consequently, though a much junior Earl, ranked, as a Duke, above him. V.G. (^) Now (19 1 3) belonging to the Duke of Buccleuch. V.G. i^) "One of the weakest and most ignorant men living." (H. Walpole, May 1776). The Royal Register (vol. iii, 1779) speaks of his "formal coldness of character " as rendering him " uncommonly well fitted " for his post as Governor to the Prince of Wales. V.G. {^) A Barony of the same name was conferred, 16 years later (1786), on his father, with a spec. rem. as mentioned above.