Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 3.djvu/352

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332 CLONMELL EARLDOM AND 2. Thomas (Scott), Earl of Clonmell, Viscount VISCOUNTCY [I.] Clonmell, tfc. [I.], only s. and h. by 2nd wife, b. 15 Aug. 1783; was M.P.(^) for Romney, 1807-12. II. 1798. He m., 9 Feb. 1805, in Hill Str., Berkeley Sq.jC) Henrietta Louisa, 2nd da. of George (Greville), 2nd Earl Brooke of Warwick. Castle and Earl of Warwick, by his 2nd wife, Henrietta, da. of Richard Vernon. He d. 18 Jan. 1838, at North Aston, Oxon, aged 54, and was bur. at Marylebone. Will pr. Feb. 1838. His widow, who was b. 1785, d'. 8 Nov. 1858, at St. Leonard's-on- Sea. Will pr. 9 Dec. 1858, under ;^6o,ooo. III. 1838. 3. John Henry (Scott), Earl of Clonmell, i^c. [I.], s. and h., b. 4 Jan. 18 17, in Hertford Str., Mayfair, Midx. Ed. at Eton. He m., 27 Apr. 1838, at Kilberry church, Queen's Co., Anne, ist da. and coh. of Ulysses (Burgh), 2nd Baron Downes of Aghanville [I.], by his ist wife, Maria, da. and h. of Walter Bagenal. He d. 7 Feb. 1 866, of bronchitis, in his 50th year, at Bishop's Court, co. Kildare. His widow, who was b. 18 Dec. 181 8, a'. 22 Nov. 1872. IV. 1866. 4. John Henry Reginald (Scott), Earl of Clon- mell, ^c. [I.], s. and h., b. 1 Mar. 1839, at Birt House, Naas, CO. Kildare; ed. at Eton; Sub Lieut, ist Life Guards 1857-67; Rep. Peer [I.], 10 Nov. 1874-91 (Conservative). He d. unm., 22 June 1 891, aged 52, at 3 St. James's Place. V. 1 891. 5. Thomas Charles (Scott), Earl OF Clonmell, i^c. [I.], next and only surv. br. and . b. 18 Aug. 1840, at Birt House, Naas, afsd.; entered the army, 1859, serving as Capt. in the Rifle Brigade in the Ashantee War, 1874, retiring as Major (Lieut. Col. on the retired list), 188 1. An advanced Liberal. He m., 20 Feb. 1875, at St. Geo., Han. Sq., Agnes Arabella, da. of Robert Godfrey Day (br. of the "Jack Petulant." That "he affected to despise that people from whose dregs he had lately sprung, and had indeed an utter contempt for everything, danger only excepted, possessing every degree of hardiness consistent with his personal safety. Yet even dangeritselfhe could despise when distant, and for that reason was daring in impiety . . . He was a flippant, pert, and overbearing, though by no means an able, speaker." He adds in another place that " he afterwards disgraced the Peerage." For another unflattering and probably prejudiced account of him, see Titled Corruption, by J. G. Swift McNeill, Q.C., M.P. In that work some 50 Irish Peers are described, none of whom, so far as can be gleaned from the author's remarks, had a single redeeming feature! V.G. (*) He was a Tory, but voted for the removal of Catholic disabilities. His Irish estates are said in 1799 to have been worth ^^20,000 p. a. For a list of the largest resident Irish landlords at that date, see vol. iv. Appendix C. V.G. (*•) Hibernian Mag. says that they were married in Oct. 1804, at St. Mary's, Warwick.